The Misfit and his Hazy Understanding

The misfit does not seem to understand the reason why he has received this kind of punishment for what he did in the past. The misfit is quite hazy about all these matters because he killed his own father, and he killed the grandmother's family casually and this shows that he is accustomed to murder

Christianity's Relevance in the Story

It is evident that there is a lot of talk concerning Christianity. However, there is not much done to help the Christians find out that the story is of great relevance to them. This is because, in my opinion, the entire text is not based on Christianity, but this aspect comes up after the car accident when the grandmother meets the misfit.

Sammy's Displeasure and Blame

Sammy shows a lot of displeasure in the current world and that makes him quit. He explains that good men are hard to find these days. In his statements, Sammy tries to imply that it is difficult to find someone to trust these days. Sammy says that everything in the current world is getting terrible than expected. He goes on to blame. Sammy concurs with the old woman that Europe was the reason behind all the troubles and the sum up the reason behind Sammy's quitting.

The Struggle between Good and Evil

In the story, there are various themes that appear to play out crystal clear. Among this is the struggle that is exhibited between both the good and the evil. This can be proven by the fact that the grandmother is seen to be standing for the good, by encouraging the misfit, who in this case is a serial killer who had been convicted, to embrace prayer. The grandmother is captured quoting Jesus several times, trying to show the misfit that his salvation lies in prayers and that he should have started praying a long time ago.

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