The Life and Works of the Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul was known as Saul from Tarsus. He was a Jewish dignitary who killed Christian believers on the basis that they tried to overturn the Jewish law. When he was called Saul, before he got converted into a Christian, Apostle Paul was on his way to Damascus to prosecute Christians. A ray of light blinded him, and he was asked by a voice, the voice of Jesus Christ, why he has been persecuting him. However, the events of that scenario converted Saul into an apostle Paul. Paul preached the word of God all over the world.

             Paul made the most significant impact compared to other apostles in the formation of the early church. Out of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament, fourteen talks about the life and activities of Paul. Paul wrote seven epistles of the Bible which significantly directed Christian practices, teachings, and theology. The letters of Paul addressed particular problems of the church at that time. They have since formed a foundation for Christian practices and lessons up to the present times.

Not only did Paul impact on early Christianity by writing letters but also through his missionary journeys to specific places to spread the gospel of Jesus. During his first missionary journey, Paul led a team of influential Christian leaders in Antioch in converting Gentiles to Christianity. Paul established a church in Ephesus with the help of Aquila and Pricilla during his second missionary journey.

            The Apostle Paul made his third missionary journey to spread the gospel of Christ in Galatia and Phrygia. He later went back to Ephesus where he published the book of I and II Corinthians and Galatians. Paul final significant missionary journey lead him to Rome where he continued preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was arrested and faced trial in Rome.


Introduction to Christianity Relg 125 Lecture 4: Acts of the Apostles, the Apostle Paul, the General Letters And Revelation.

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