Jason's Interview

Jason gave a poor closing description at the end of the interview, giving the impression that he had little more to give the business. However, he will increase his odds of getting the job by admitting that he did some homework on the business and that the interview confirmed his perception of the job situation. He may also provide a list of appropriate qualifications and experiences for the job. It would make a favorable impact on the interviewer.

Danielle's Response

A plethora of websites compare wages for work openings in various places. Danielle could have improved her response to the salary-expectation question by conducting an online search for comparative salaries of the same position (James, 2009). It would have provided her with a hint on what she could earn at the new job. The response to such a question can either make or break the negotiation. An outrageous demand may result in the company turning down the offer for a job.

Tanya's Interview Preparation

I would recommend Tanya to apply the company-specific research technique in preparation for the interview. Its advantage is that it allows candidates for interviews to gather as much information about a company as possible (Baabu, 2016). The information is useful in determining the compatibility between the job position and the interviewee's interests as well as values.

Discussing Former Employers

It will give the interviewer the impression that you are blaming your former employer for your shortcomings. The former employer is unavailable and cannot respond to the allegations. Also, the interviewer may get the perception that you are a divisive employee who can spread negativity to other employees and dampen their morale (Baabu, 2016).

Experience with Amazon

Yes. I worked with Amazon as the digital sales manager for 13 years. I was part of the team that built the company into a juggernaut in global e-commerce. Initially, we never expected the company to record positive revenues for the first three years (James, 2009). Surprisingly, our e-commerce strategy proved effective, and the company started recording revenues in its first year of operation.

The Importance of a Positive Ending

It does not matter how we spend our time because the end is the most important thing we will always remember. We always remember both the good and bad things that occur at the end of whatever we do. This idea of memorable occasions also applies to job interviews. One of the most important things during interviews is that how the interviewer finishes the session will determine whether it was strong or weak. Ending the interview on a positive note is important because it will leave a positive impression about yourself in the eyes of the interviewer. It will present you as the most suitable candidate for the job position and convince the interviewer that you are prepared for the job any moment from the end of the interview (Baabu, 2016). A positive closing interview statement covers prior discussions during the interview and reinforces the candidate's suitability. Here is an example:

"Thank you for having me. I conducted a thorough research on this company before reporting for the interview. I was excited about this moment, and this interview has reinforced my hopes and knowledge about this company. You have provided me with an unambiguous picture of the current job position. I must confess that this session had made me more enthusiastic than when I was researching about the job opening and your company. I am confident that my skills and working experience will be valuable to your company through this job opening. I would like us to discuss anything else that I can do to get this job."


Top of Form

Baabu, B. (2016). Bottom of Form

Interview FAQ’s: Interview Tips & Practice Questions. New York: Educreation Publishing.

James, J. (2009). Interviews: Tips and techniques for a brilliant interview. Richmond: Trotman.

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