The Importance of Religious Social Groups

Religious social groups involve a particular number of people who are gathered together in order to share social interactions, identity, and relations. Social change can be referred as to the reconstruction of the way a person socialize, whether on an individual setting or a group setting. Moreover, a number of varying reasons such as demographics, economics, beliefs, desires, resources, values and ideas can attribute to religious primary social change (King, 2008). The social changes in primary social groups are inevitable and this is because social change is found to take place at any moment a primary social group is formed or when members come together. This paper focusses on analyzing a religious social group that I am involved in by explaining the social functions it promotes and supports as well as how the social group impacts my professional and personal life.

Christ is the King Church Youth Fellowship

I have been a member of Christ is the King Church Youth Fellowship since December; 2015 and became devoted to the youth fellowship in March 2016. The youth group comprises of twelve members that are from our community and majority of the member are close friends who we attend school together. In the time I have been in this social group, I have managed to observe keenly the behaviors of the youth members including our group leader and have learned a lot that has substantially played a major role to the kind of a person I am today. Christ is the King Church Youth Fellowship has significantly influenced my life in a tremendous way by teaching me numerous things for example, how to be positive in life, how to react to challenges in life, and think about situations that I encounter in my daily life (King, 2008). My church youth fellowship social group has taught me how to think about others and not be self-centered. For the period of time, I have been a member of the social group, Christ is the King Church Youth Fellowship has taught me on how to forgive quickly those who wrong me, and how to be slow in judging other in all life circumstances. It has also made me understand that dealing with humankind is not always as easy as I thought before. The youth fellowship has majorly assisted in my spiritual growth and everything that I have learned from the religious social group such as how to pray, respect God, respect and relate well with other people, have built upon my values which I have applied in my personal life.


Additionally, the primary role of Christ is the King Church Youth Fellowship is to aid others individuals to know Jesus Christ and get saved by encouraging them to often read the word of God and turn away from living a sinful life. Being part of the youth fellowship has significantly enabled me to meet many people and be able to encourage them by sharing the word of God with them as well as offer religious-based advice concerning their challenges in life (King, 2008). In this social group, we study both the Old Testament and the New Testament and this is done in Bible study sessions done in particular days of the week such as Monday at the evening, Wednesday at midday and Saturday midmorning. every week. During the sessions, group members meet at agreed venues and discuss the Bible into details. This has really helped the group members and I understand the Bible well and know how to apply the knowledge in real life. I can now socialize precisely with people without being judgmental and I have become more open-minded as compared to how I was 5 years ago.

Further, our youth fellowship group advocates that there is a Living Almighty God and any person who wants to be saved should repent their sins and declare salvation by being Jesus Christ Holy name for the remission of sins (Reynolds, 2018). Besides, our group has annual conferences where we invite people from other cities and states to join us for prayers and worshipping. During annual conferences, popular gospel singers and preachers entertain people who attend. People have a fun time in worshipping God by dancing, shouting, clapping and later the preacher preaches the word of God. In addition, the annual conference helps the individual to interact, share their ideas and knowledge on the Bible as well as building a friendship.

Nonetheless, in spite of the member of the social group and I being religiously related, we have been friends since childhood, attended the same school since pre-unit and live in a small community. We are like a family since we share close, enduring and personal relationship and this has substantially strengthened our friendship for a long time (King, 2008). Besides, the close relationship we have among ourselves justifies this group being my primary social group.


King, L. A. (2008). The science of psychology: An appreciative view. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Reynolds, M. (2018). The First Principles of the Gospel: Repentance and Faith.

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