The Importance of Education

Education: A Powerful Instrument for Achieving Dreams

Education has been a powerful instrument that guides the society in achieving human desires and aspirations. It is in the nature of human beings to have big dreams in life. Everyone desires to be successful and lead a prosperous lifestyle. However, a successful life is a fruit of good education. I believe in the value of education because it has the power to transform one from nothing to something. From a naïve young boy or girl to a future president, banker, pilot, accountant, and computer scientist among many more successful careers. Therefore, education is the most important tool that children can inherit from their parents.

The Influence of Family in Education

I come from a family of educated individuals. My parents have successful careers achieved through attaining college education. My father is a banker while my mother is a dentist. As such, I come from a family that values the importance of education as the sheer driving force of society. My parents have nurtured me to be an obedient person. They have provided me with shelter, food, clothing, happiness, and most importantly, education. Since I was young, my parents taught me the importance of being the best in what I do. They advised me that education is the key to attaining a prosperous future through hard work and determination. There was a point during high school I felt I like I didn’t have time for friends, play, and watching movies. I used to complain a lot, and my parents helped me realize that it was only short-term. I remember one discussion we had, whereby my father emphasized that education requires just a small sacrifice so as to reap the fruits of hard work. Since then, I have been determined to be a scholar who is result-oriented. Parents play a big role in parenting and in the educational achievement of their children. Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon, came from a humble background. His mother made sure that Ben and his siblings read two books during their free time and submit a written book report to their mother for marking. His mother also regulated time spent watching TV to two or three episodes and emphasized the importance of education. Ben’s mother also provided them with spiritual and emotional support to overcome challenges. To this day, Ben Carson thanks his mother for his success and for her strong belief in the value of education (Carson, 2005). With this note, parents are important figures in a child's life, and they can determine the success or failure of their children. My parents also pressure me to succeed academically and in the future because they believe in the transforming power of education.

The Value of Education in Nurturing Skills and Imparting Knowledge

I believe in the value of education because it is a tool that nurtures skills and imparts knowledge in the community. Education has given me the necessary knowledge and skills that relate to peaceful coexistence with people. Through education, I am not blinded by the differences in people in terms of race, ethnicity, color, culture, and religion. Rather, I appreciate diversity in the human race, knowing that we are all equal and deserve fair treatment. Education has given me the power to avoid bias and prejudice. For instance, society uses stereotypes to judge people. Muslims or people of Arabic descent are seen as terrorists while blacks and Hispanics are seen as criminals. Due to my educational background, I can separate chaff from wheat by noting criminal elements in society, but I cannot conclude that the ethnicity they come from is violent or otherwise criminals. Education has opened up my mind and the belief in possibilities. I was taught that we can be anything we aspire to be as long as we put effort and work towards our dreams. Education has become an essential component of human life because there are endless opportunities with proper education. School attendance opens up doors for academic excellence as well as economic success. As a result, I value the power of education because it can take a person to places never envisioned. On the other hand, I have firsthand experience in the suffering experienced by most uneducated people. One of my cousins dropped out of high school during his teenage years. My cousin was a football player and usually hung out with the "cool" kids who were perceived as more successful in their social groups. However, most of these students were disobedient, naughty, and engaged in drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately for my cousin, excessive partying took a toll on him, and he dropped his academic score. To make matters worse, he could not attain the score to be enlisted for a full scholarship for college as a football player. He dropped out of the high school team, and frustrations led to his school dropout. He could not find a decent job, and once he found a job, the pay was not sustainable. He has endured a lot until recently when he decided to go back to school because he realized his childhood dreams cannot be achieved without proper education. Similarly, during high school, Ben Carson as a teenager went from being an A student to a C student due to peer influence and nagged his mother that he wanted Italian shirts to be as cool as his colleagues. After being given an opportunity to manage the household expenses, Ben realized that his mother was a genius because she managed to give them a decent lifestyle. Ben focused more on education and excelled from a C score to an A and finally studied medicine (Carson, 2005). His experience as well as that of my cousin motivates me to perform incredibly well academically, so that I can benefit from the life skills offered by education. Therefore, I do not take education lightly, for I know through education, my dreams are valid.

In Conclusion

In summation, I believe in the value of education in society. It is the key to a functional and productive society. Education is an instrument towards a successful career and a fulfilling lifestyle. Without education, I would not have made it this far. Education has given me the knowledge and skills to be a productive member of society. As such, education is life.


Carson, B. (Oct 10, 2005). There Is No Job More Important Than Parenting. Retrieved

12 January 2018, from

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