The Importance of Communication

It has been studied that the developmental changes in communication between the parents and their children depend highly upon how close they are and how often they interact with each other. In the chosen it has been vividly portrayed that television plays an important role in debarring communication from entering into the conversational approach between the above-mentioned two parties. In this aspect both verbal as well as non-verbal behaviors have been taken into consideration (Carr 98). Communication does not include the verbal conversation between the participants. It also includes the mode of gesture and eye contact. However, in recent days it is being noticed that a vacant space is created between two of the participants.

Child Communication and Psychology

Notably children above 2 years slowly develop their language and grammatical structure in their speech. It helps the communication grow at a faster rate thus strengthening the relation between the parents and the children. However, growing engagement in television and other virtual world, has been creating a solid hindrance in front of the children to get closer to their parents and talk to them regarding their problems and complexities (Ellis and Beattie 102). The act of watching television creates a plinth of virtual knowledge. However, it does not provide ample confidence to the individual for developing communication.


With the aforementioned discussion, it can be concluded that in many of the cases, the psychological aspects of communication are built up through conversational relations. However, in many of the cases, it has been noticed that the negligence of the parents has been causing serious gap that hinders the communication channel between the children and their parents. Hence, this was supposedly acknowledged by none other than the psychologists that a cognitive concentration is highly necessarily and the parents need to intervene in the development of children’s thought process.

Works Cited

Carr, Alan. The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach. Routledge, 2015.

Ellis, Andrew W., and Geoffrey Beattie. The Psychology of Language and Communication. Routledge, 2017.

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