the great gatsby reimagining

Nick's and Gatsby's Houses

Nick's and Gatsby's houses have some parallels and commonalities that help to define and add life to the part of both characters in the tale. Both Gatsby's and Nick's houses are located in West Egg, Long Island. The location of the house is fictitious, but Nick says they're located in a place where rich people live. In addition, the two houses border Buchanans, who live in the same locality. Nick uses the houses to represent the personalities of the people. Harold and Fitzgerald write, "Nick describes his cottage as a 'eye-sore' that had been neglected, as most people believed it had been abandoned"

The Main Difference Between the Houses

The main difference between the houses is the fact that, while Gatsby's house is a mansion that echoed his wealth, Nick's house is a simple cottage, which equally is a replica of his social status. Nick's cottage is in the middle between Daisy's and Gatsby's, which symbolizes the bridge that Nick is the reunion of the two. Both Daisy and Gatsby hold a low regard to Nick's house, as Daisy states that it appears as if it had been abandoned. Gatsby, on the other hand, offers to "send his gardener to Nick's house to cut his grass and put flowers in Nick's house" (Harold and Fitzgerald 134). Gatsby's actions were symbolic, as he intended to impress Daisy, and Nick's house did not meet his desired qualities of elegance.

"Ain't We Got Fun"

Kilpspringer is the name of an antelope that resides in Eastern and Southern Africa. The writer uses the name symbolically to refer to the nocturnal nature of the character and his treacherous behavior, just like the Kilpspringer antelope. In The Great Gatsby, according to Fitzgerald and Prigozy (pp.75), the name Klipspringer appears severally in the passage. Just like the many guests that walked in and out of Gatsby's mansion, Kilpspringer frequented the mansion and was even a border. Gatsby often made use of his availability and took advantage of his piano skills, which made him more relevant to Gatsby.

A Typical Evening in West Egg

The narrator describes a typical evening in West Egg and the activities that follow. He states that there is a lot of excitement, as people stream in from New York, which is the nearest capital. The location of West Egg clearly states and confirms the social status of the people. The evening is a time, when most rich people come from work and enjoy themselves, as evidenced by Gatsby's parties (Fitzgerald and Prigozy 76). The rich get a chance to interact with fellow rich people and get access to more wealth in the process. The poor, on the other hand, end up consoling themselves by getting more children, which brings forth another generation that is poverty stricken.

Why Gatsby Should Pursue Daisy

Jay Gatsby got attracted to and had a brief affair with Daisy, when he was an officer in Louisville. However, it is when Nick went to the war that he lost contact with his love. Gatsby later learned that she was married to Tom in West Egg, and then he decided to buy the mansion next to her. In Mann and Fitzgerald's view, Gatsby is obsessed with riches and wealth, but above all, he is trying so hard to impress Daisy at all costs (220). He lives in a fantasy of their past together. Daisy, on the other hand, is in a marriage that lost its previous thrill, and hence she is bored with life.

Gatsby's Mistake

Gatsby will be making a mistake by pursuing Daisy, as a lot had changed since their last meeting. Gatsby's thoughts of Daisy are the ones that he held before she got married. Gatsby's thoughts on Daisy are so perfect and overrated that Daisy will not live up to his expectations and standpoint in real life. Fitzgerald and Man affirm that, additionally, Tom is becoming overly suspicious of Gatsby and Daisy's closeness that he began to question Gatsby (200). The clumsiness that Gatsby had upon meeting Daisy, as evidenced by him knocking down Gatsby's clock, is symbolic of his attempt to stop time and relive the past. Even Gatsby, in his mindset, acknowledges that the time they spent apart has had an effect on Daisy and is afraid to even express his love for her in the first instance.

Happiness in Marriage

Daisy is not happy with Tom, as their marriage has become dreary over the years. Daisy has since kept up with Tom because they have a family together and acknowledges her devotion to him. Tom has established an extramarital affair, and Daisy is aware of the affair, as she follows him to the phone on one occasion when Nick is around. Daisy, however, could be happier with Gatsby, as he reserved his love for her over the years despite his wealth. Fitzgerald and Stuart (85) are of the opinion that Gatsby could get another suitor if he desired, but his love for Daisy was so overwhelming that he ignored all the other people and focused only on her.

The Importance of Happiness in Marriage

Marriage is a bond and connection between two individuals who love each other. Although material possessions and social stratification spice up marriages and make them stronger, true happiness is the best and most essential ingredient in marriage. Daisy's husband, for instance, has a lot of wealth, but Daisy is still not happy in her marriage (Fitzgerald and Stuart 87). Gatsby equally thinks that having attained wealth and a social status will help him get acknowledgment and acceptance from his long-lost love, Daisy. Tom's mistress lives in a poor neighborhood but is still unfaithful to her husband, who later mistakenly kills Gatsby. It is apparent that although wealth cushions marriages, it is not the necessary ingredient for happiness in marriages.

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2010, Print.

Fitzgerald, F S, and David Mann. The Great Gatsby. Harpenden: Oldcastle Books, 2013, Print.

Fitzgerald, F S, and Davies D. Stuart. The Great Gatsby & the Diamond As Big As the Ritz. London: Collector's Library, 2005, Print.

Fitzgerald, F S, and Ruth Prigozy. The Great Gatsby. 2008, Print.

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