The Caves of Steel

A group of Spacers and their Plan

A group of Spacers has understood that Spacer values are stagnating because of negative growth in their population as well as longevity. Spacers feel that the only way to solve this is to encourage additional exploration through space as well as occupation by the man of the earth in performance with Robots; Though Earthmen need first of all to reject hostiles of Robots. As at this far, they have developed settlements on Earth with the notion of introducing humanoid Robots on Earth.

The Police Commissioner and the Medievalists

A police commissioner of the city of New York, by name Julius Enderby, is clandestinely one of the members of Medievalists. Medievalists is a rebellious non-robot assembly pines year for ‘old days' where people used not to stay in the ‘Caves of Steel.' Enderby uses his position as a commissioner to arrange for meeting with Dr. Sarton with the aim of establishing more cooperation, but secretly with the intention of destroying Daneel. Daneel looked like dr. Sarton and also the two used to live together. The police commissioner instructs R. Sammy to fetch a blaster in broad daylight (something which was not acceptable by Earthman). But from the pressure inserted to Enderby, he falls into confusion, and he is unable to differentiate between Robot and human. He accidentally went ahead and shot the human. Being aware that the wife of Baley was a Medievalist, he orders Baley to handle the case together with R. Daneel who used to represent the Spacers. Furthermore, with the aim of making Baley suspicious, the commissioner spreads hearsays about the possibility of humanoid robots in the midst of the subversives when later on Enderby extinguished R. Sammy using radiation. Moreover, Daneel gives a ruling that Enderby is a killer as his way of thinking shown him the possibility of deliberately killing. The novel pays attention to Baley as well as Olivaw at the moment Baley starts to doubt Olivaw but is shown to be wrong twice. Slowly, Olivaw educated himself about Earthman and began to show curiosity in different aspects of how human beings behave and technology as well. Baley pays a visit to Spacetown as he was in his investigation. In the town, he meets with Dr. Fastolfe who gives him an injection of some drug which was suggested to be mildly.

Baley's Investigation and Tensions

After Baley realizes about Enderby's high emotions and little understanding of how far or close away he was to find the solution to the murder, as well as being in a position to obtain a record of the crime scene, Baley becomes in a place to show that, the remains of Enderby's glasses were still in situ. Another theme which is coming out in the novel is tension between "Jessie" or "Jezebel" (Barley's wife) and her anger at Baley. To give a clear explanation, the biblical story about Jezebel misunderstood.

Subgenre: Mystery Science Fiction

The novel of cave of steel employs use of Mystery science fiction as a subgenre. The mystery is seen by the three robotic laws described in the story. These laws indicated that; a robot may not necessarily harm humankind. Though when the robot Is inaction may allow Earthman to hurt himself. Secondly, it is a must for the robot to follow orders given out to it by humans except if the rule seems to clashes with the initial law mentioned above. Thirdly, an automaton(robot) mustn't harm itself and again, it should fight for its kind but not interfering with the first two laws. Throughout this novel, the robots seem to follow these three rules. Baley senses that Daneel may have been constructed without the application of the first law. However, its doubts are proven to be wrong by expert roboticist he had ordered. But then, the characters in the novel, seem to bend the three laws so as to come up with ways to use the Robot to injure others people. But of course, this does not interfere with the guideline of not coming up with truths to provide a solution to the mystery science fiction. Knowing it is possible for any reader to reach the answer without necessarily putting in to use truths shown to them. There are some instances in the novel that indicates that a man can wisely command a Robot with the aim of manipulating it. Asimov actually uses this approach to in order to find solution for this subgenre. The commissioner uses R. Sammy to transport weapon to the Spacetown and take it back after committing crimes. The main aim of doing so was only to protect his life by not exposing his life in danger; thinking he will never face death. However, there are similarities between the novel of The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun novel. Below we are going to look at the commonalities between the two.

Commonalities between Asimov's novel and other science fiction novels

The Caves of Steel accounts improbable union between the humanoid robot and New York City private detective who must study labor together. Elijah Baley had no desire for either arrogant spacers or their companies dealing with Robots. But if a famous spacer murdered was under suspicious circumstances, Baley is directed outside the world to help in tracking the killers. On the other hand, the novel of The Naked Sun, on the outside, beautiful planet of Solaria, a tactical human settler facilitated the existence of Hermit-like Robot. Their most desires for the robot was to be faithfully served by the robot. To this odd fashioned and suggesting world comes Elijah Baley who was a detective. Elijah was sent from the city of New York with Daneel Olivaw (the robot) to solve the murder that faced Solaria to its basis. Clearly, from the two novels, the main idea for the human being to develop Robots was to protect his life and as well be given services while at rest. From both the novels of The Naked Sun and The Caves of Steel, Robots get involved in carrying out criminal activities as being ordered by the human being. The human nature seems to operate what the robot does from a safe place hence protecting his life. The primary common thing in these novels is that Robots are to serve human beings as instructed or commanded.

Ideological Critique

The novel, The Caves of Steel, ideologically criticizes the idea of humankind coming up with humanoid Robots to serve the desires of the man. Although this idea of scientists coming up with bombs or other things which could harm other people started in early decades; One can remember bombast that almost finished Hiroshima and its effects are still felt even up to date. The author of the novel goes against the mysterious scientists' fiction that man may use Robots to protect himself from death. Also, the writer puts it clear that the Robot cannot serve all duties as the human being could do since it is just a computerized being and cannot think on itself. Asimov urges scientists to eradicate this science fiction though seem an impossible thing (Asimov 56). The disadvantages associated with outcomes these Robots are more than advantages by far.

Stylistic Critique

Asimov uses stylistic critique to pass his information to the scientist. In his novel Pg. 49

"The three laws are as follows:

An automaton should not harm an Earthmen or, through inactivity, human consent environment

to be harmful.

A robot is expected to follow commands issued to it by human beings, except in events where

the commands confront the First Law.

A robot should not in any way harm its caring and should protect itself without contradicting

law number (i) and (ii)"

The author sets out rules which need to be followed by robots as directed by the human being. These rules are not desired for robots but critically thinking; it appears as rules designed to favor the nobles in the New York City. An excellent example is how the commissioner of the city used a robot for his benefit to radiate and kills other people. Here, it is clear, see that these laws are not necessarily made for Robots but stylistically are laws to pin down the locals in the community.


Upon my re-mediation on this novel, I would wish to translate it into a video game. According to my opinion, this would be a great medium given that in this era of technology almost everyone may get access to watch/play it including youth and junior teenagers. However, there will need to expand some parts of the novel especially instances where Robots are being commanded by the human being to perform criminal offenses. To bring in an open-air how some human being uses Robots and other scientifically designed weapons secretly to injure other people. Here, the game machine would be like a man and use of Robot as his servant; Either in household affairs or criminal matters. To make the game very interesting, then one needs to ensure that, skilled Actors act the play and also have a unique environment which is admirable to everyone.

Work Cited

Asimov, Isaac. The rest of the robots. New York: Doubleday, 1964.

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