The Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Good post Bernard! Effective classroom management requires a teacher to be all rounded and take into account every aspect of activities taking place in the classroom. The teacher also needs to understand the students’ individually and be able to control their behavior while in the classroom. Thus, classroom management also involves management of students’ conduct; this skill is acquired by teachers over time, and requires a few years of teaching of experience. Effective teaching demands notable skills in managing the numerous tasks that take place in the classroom every day. These skills also require teachers to understand the developmental and psychological levels of the students. The skills linked to effective classroom management are acquired from consistent practice and readiness to learn from errors; feedback also serves a critical role in developing such skills (Mansor et al., 2012).

Response to Philip

Accurate post Philip! The original bloom’s taxonomy had six objectives, which include knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. However, the objectives were later revised to point to more dynamic conception of classification. The revised taxonomy include remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. These objectives are incorporated in pedagogy so that both teachers and students can understand the purpose of their involvement in education. The bloom taxonomy focuses mainly on the cognition, which involves development of intellectual skills and knowledge of the students. The revised taxonomy domain reflects a more effective form of thinking and seems more authentic and applicable. By incorporating the cognitive and knowledge matrix, the new bloom’s taxonomy has improved usability of the action words (Forehand, 2010). The objectives help teachers to plan and deliver proper instructions.


Forehand, M. (2010). Bloom’s taxonomy. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology, 41, 47.

Mansor, A. N., Wong, K. E., Rasul, M. S., Hamzah, M. I. M., " Hamid, A. H. A. (2012). Effective classroom management. International Education Studies, 5(5), 35.

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