Normal physical conditions have an effect on the beach and the shoreline.
Natural events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, winds, and tides all have an effect on beaches. Many of these causes have varying effects on the shoreline and beach. Following the beach assessment, it was discovered that the tides had an effect on the beach's slope and the small dunes. It was also accumulated on the beach in the form of waves due to the action of the waves on the shore and the movement of the wind, all of which play a role in the process. On the other hand, storms and hurricanes have a much stronger effect regarding the depositing of sand on the shore. With storms and hurricanes the sand is deposited inland and the patterns formed by waves are destabilized and the slope of the beach also changed. Plants along the beach also help in the shape of the beach since their root systems hold to sand maintaining its position. Another revelation made concerning the shore and the beach is that stronger wave action leads o steeper slope while weak wave action lead to a rather flatly shaped beach surface. Impact of the burrowing organisms Burrowing organisms play a variety of role on the ecosystems in which they are found. In aquatic ecosystems such as the beach, burrowing activity is determined by the different tides, shoreline and the width of damp sand among other factors. The presence of burrowing organisms is an indication of biodiversity in a given area. Some of the common organisms found at the beach include blood worms and sand crabs. These organisms are constantly changing their position on the beach and do not have a permanent habitat. One of the roles played by burrowing organisms is in the determination of high tide and low tide lines since they move according to the water level and this is an important feature for researchers. Effects of sea oats and other plants found above the high tide lineSea oats and plants help in regulation of the rate of erosion at the beach. The plants root system helps in keeping the sand together thus preventing excessive erosion. The action of sea oats and plants found above the high tide line helps in dune formation which is part of the features found on the beach. Sea oats have a high tolerance to sea water and high salt spray making it an excellent species for growth on the beach with accumulating portions of sand and regulation of erosion.Impacts humans have on beachesThe effects on the beaches by human beings are many and diverse. Unfortunately most of them are negative and thus severely impact the plant and animal life on the beach. Human beings actions have ked to pollution along the shore an on the surface of the beach, increased the erosion rates, impacted marine life which is affected by the pollution that is carried into the ocean at run off. Also, the habitats of both animals and birds at the beach are invaded by human activity which makes them migrate. This migration occurs due to congestion as more people build houses near the beach and set up businesses. Excessive fishing has also lead to depletion of fish life in the ocean. Impacts shade from bridges, tall hotels, or beach walkovers have on shoreline ecosystemsThe shadows cast on the shore by high buildings and bridges disrupt the planta and animal life. Since the animals rely on light for a lot of their activities the shadows cast inhibits this action which is essential for the growth, development and beach related activity. On the other hand, plants require light for growth and development. However, if the plants are invariably in the shadow of the tall building they die. This death in plants and migration of animals robs the beach of biodiversity and the benefits of having the plants and animals on the beach. Effects of trash that gets carried off the beach with the tides and chemicals and nutrients that are washed into the sea with storm runoffTrash and chemicals deposited on the beach and later transferred to the water during run off has several effects on aquatic life. Chemicals may lead to the death of animal life as a results of interaction with internal organs and overwhelming the system. Trach also chokes the plant and animal life and is unsightly when left on the surface of the beach. The pH of the water is affected by the addition of chemicals. Since certain organisms only thrive in a particular level of salinity and pH, then the disruption of this equilibrium disrupts the fauna and flora as well. “Renourished” beaches, those where sand has been added from offshore, differ from natural beachesUnlike natural beaches, the renourished beaches have different wave patterns on the shore since the action of the water on the sand is different. The surface is man-made meaning that there is more level than in natural beaches whereby the slope is dependent on the action o the waves, wind and the tide.DataThe following graphs illustrate the various values collected from both sites, Site 1 and Site 2, depending on the pH, compaction and temperature at the beach. Fish IdentifiedThe picture above is of a fish that was caught in the tide pools at the beach and it is classified under the (Mugil curema) also referred to as white mullet. The second fish that was caught and identified as shown in the picture above is from the fish family Clupeidae. ConclusionThe survey assisted in gathering and collection of important data and information essential in understanding aquatic life. The differences between the two sites also showed how altering nature is difference. For instance, the beach was differently sloped and so were the temperatures and pH levels. Works CitedEllesat, Kathrin Sabine et al. "Species-Dependent Sensitivity To Contaminants: An Approach Using Primary Hepatocyte Cultures With Three Marine Fish Species". Marine Environmental Research, Vol 72, no. 4, 2011, pp. 216-224. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2011.09.003.Khoury, Alaa et al. "Experimental Simulation of Sandy Beaches under Waves and Tides: Hydro-Morphodynamic Analysis". Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 165, 2013, pp. 1791-1796. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, doi:10.2112/si65-303.1.
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