Teju Cole's “The White Savior Industrial Complex”

Teju Cole's Argument

Teju Cole is correct in his argument that the universe today exists to satisfy the nostalgic needs of citizens of the white race. He argues that the White Savior Business Complex is not concerned with justice. It is about getting a powerful emotional experience that validates one's role (Cole).

The Depiction of "Too Many Cooks Ruin the Broth"

From this statement, it is clear that there is an open depiction of the well-known adage "too many cooks ruin the broth" in the American population. I agree with this statement since, based on my own experience, there are currently so many artists in the American population whose goal is to produce a design with a meaningful social effect, even though it is still unattainable.

The Misguided Passion to Provide Assistance to the Impoverished

The observation of the US economic sector gives the understanding that although some of these designers have a good intention, they are ultimately misguided by their strong passion to provide assistance to the impoverished. Having read the essay written by Elizabeth Dwoskin titled "Why Americans won't Do Dirty Jobs," I would agree with the assertion that this eagerness has even led to more suffering among all populations in America. Dwoskin says "These are difficult, dirty, exhausting jobs that, for previous generations, were the first rickety step on the ladder to prosperity. They still are--just not for Americans" (Dwoskin 45).

The Suffering of the Poor

In their zeal to help the poor people (immigrants from Guatemala and other third world countries), such people have placed Americans in more trouble. The problem with such an arrangement is that the poor suffer more than the rich. For instance, most of the people who lost their jobs in Alabama were from minority communities and, especially, the African Americans. "There is much more to doing good work than 'making a difference.' There is the principle of first do no harm" (Cole). The idea is supported by Dwoskin who illustrate immigrant workers as part of the American economy, though the insufficient pay and unsuitable working conditions chased them out of Alabama.

The Call for Fairness in a Better World

Furthermore, a better world calls for a situation where every party is satisfied but not at the cost of their safety (Fisher 81). From personal experience, I would say that making a positive social impact involves all communities working together in an open manner while dealing with the radical challenges and changes that may be useful in guiding the current design practice (Braverman 11). Dwoskin makes this very clear by showing that enforcing the immigrant law in Alabama led to the suffering of most farm owners whose employment slots remain unfilled. Fisher agrees that a society, especially one that is cosmopolitan, can only work together when there is fairness (40). There is a similar stance that describes globalization as a concept that survives based on fairness and equality (The Editors of SUNY Levin Institute).

The Current Situation of African Americans

Clearly, Cole's assertion is founded on solid evidence as the current situation of African Americans and most minority communities is pathetic. Their existence in America was caused by the need to improve the economic lives of such people. The 'low paying/status' jobs are given to these communities as a way of ensuring that they make a significant contribution to the American economy (Lefebvre and Nicholson 13; Braverman 10). However, many designers of how this society should have led to numerous problems for the whole nation.

Works Cited

Braverman, Harry. Labor and Monopoly Capitalism, The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998. Print.

Cole, Teju. "The White-Savior Industrial Complex," The Atlantic. Washington DC: The Atlantic Media Company, Web. 2012.

Dwoskin, Elizabeth. "Why Americans won't Do Dirty Jobs." Globalization: A Reader for Writers. Ed. Maria Jerskey. New York: Oxford UP, 2014. 45-50. Print.

Lefebvre, Henri and Donald Nicholson (translator). The Production of Space. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 1992. Print.

The Editors of SUNY Levin. "What Is Globalization?" Globalization101. The State University of New York: Levin Institute, n.d. Web. 2014.

Thomas Fisher. Designing our Way to a Better World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

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