Role of Nursing in Healthcare Delivery

According to the nursing manager

The present trends in rising health-care costs have surfaced as a major source of concern, notwithstanding the recent implementation of various reforms. The Affordable Care Act is an example of a reform that has been implemented as a response of rising health-care expenses. As a result, nursing managers have a role, as specified in policy advocacy, in assisting in the reduction of increased health expenses in the healthcare system. Nursing managers' primary functions and responsibilities include addressing evolving healthcare trends and achieving agreed goals of quality, efficiency, and excellence. They are also responsible for the adoption of innovative ideas to help in the operations of the healthcare system. According to Richard on the issue of the nursing role in the healthcare system, over the past decades, it is evident that nursing role has been established on the tasked-based roles as well as the technical skills. Nursing has been associated with the fostering of adequate leadership in the healthcare delivery system, which plays a great role in running of quality care and nursing in various health organizations in the country. Some of the principal roles of managers and nurses are there in healthcare delivery system. However, such roles and focus have changed due to the increased coordination of the patient care in the healthcare delivery system. For instance, in the Unites States and other countries, the health care system suffers from a series of continued shortfalls regarding quality and unmaintainable growth costs.

Studying a Professional Organization

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a renowned professional organization that deals with continuous education and development of registered nurses and their patients. The team's main objective and focus are to providing patient safety and enhancing the level of nursing quality care through advocacy. ANA is responsible for the provision of the required access materials and the various resources that the institution could be founded on the principles of Evidence-Based Practice. Evidence-based practice is an emergent trend in the healthcare system. Within any organization, communication is one of the success tools that needs to be regularly updated. Communication has been regarded as a tool and strategy to emphasize and maintain relationships between the nurses and patients as its acts a medium of information that is part of the patient recovery. ANA has taken the initiative of utilizing electronic health records in the healthcare setting to help enhance communication within its environs. The electronic health records that ANA, uses offer the nurses with the required information that could easily be communicated to the patients and the physicians. Organizations need to uphold the correlation between roles of each health practitioner to help in maintaining the required standard procedures and making sure that they are strictly followed. The standards to be adhered to not only in patient care but also in decision making which comprises of critical thinking and rational judgment. Health care systems need to adopt a patient-centered approach that will contribute to a practitioner achieving an objective and subjective view of a patient during treatment.

Interview Report

The nurse is an expert in communication; she appears to love her job, which is evident on how she handles her patients. When a customer arrives, she gives them full attention and makes sure she confirms the feedback what she can see. In a situation where she realizes that the information she has does not correspond to what she is seeing, she will go an extra mile to confirm the real issue. Her degree in ethics contributes to her efficient handling of her patients at the workplace. Good nurses are caring, serious, knowledgeable, and also they are good listeners. Being a nurse and solving other people's problems is one of her greatest believes that she holds onto. She also believes that being a self-motivated person as well as being a go-getter, these are the attributes of a hard working nurse. According to her, dedication entails the will to go or do want one desire, and that hard work will move one closer to their life's desires. One should set short-term goals, which are a very source of motivation, as a person shifts to long-term targets and objectives. A nurse should love their job and should always perform their duties wholeheartedly until the day that they will no longer be there to offer their services. Nurses should have good communications skills that would help in identifying the problems with their patients. One of the most effective ways of monitoring the patients involves having the capacity to advise the patients, which helps in monitoring of the situation.

Opportunities in the Clinical and Management Tracts

Over the years the nursing profession has gone through significant growth and changes in the United States. With the increased computerization of systems within the healthcare environment, more nurses with the required set of skills are more likely to be absorbed into other departments. The need to have adequate information systems in the healthcare system is in high demand. Other nurses are to be assimilated into research work and the development of knowledge. A nurse that pursues a BSN has a high probability of advancing their career. However, there lie some management aspects for those individuals who have done a bachelor's or master's degree to enter into management. Due to the increased scope of business, nurses have gained more responsibility. Time will come where they will be mature to make business decisions in the nursing environment. They will be required to understand all the aspects of employee welfare because they need to know all the aspects of being an employee.


The assignments from the previous weeks have provided me with adequate insights and knowledge on my long-term goals of becoming a high-ranking professional nurse. Patience is one the basic and principle attribute that a high-ranking professional nurse should have to attend to their patients effectively. Despite the fact that the profession is at times faced with tough times, one should always be ready to take up the challenges and learn from them. The problems within the business should be used as a building block to enhance my career path. From the assignments I have learned that people will often learn better in hard times. I see it as the opportunity to get the basics and know how to manage people. To become a good manager, one must first start with a few - one will disagree, and it may be ugly, but it is where one learns how to control the emotions and those of others. I believe that am meant to be a nurse and that I am responsible for solving other people's health problems. For me to be productive in my professional career I need to be a positive attitude and believe that one day I will be at a helm of the organization that I work. I need to be the philosophy that one should set short-term achievable goals that are a point of motivation, as a person moves towards the long-term ones.

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