Predatory Sex and Party Rape Essay

Chapter 10 of "Guyland" by Michael Kimmel

In Chapter 10 of his book "Guyland," Michael Kimmel claims that males are today trained to believe that the purpose of women is to provide men with sexual satisfaction regardless of the circumstances. When a man approaches her for sex, a woman is not supposed to say no. In this article, the statement "no means yes" is heard by many men and causes problems for women. According to the report, men recognize that women are more susceptible when they are intoxicated. Therefore, this has been a technique used by men to take advantage of women, and in some cases, these women end up being raped. Kimmel also elucidates that parties are the primary source of all the evil things that men do to women. It is from these parties that men drug women in order to make it easy to have sex with them. Notably, the primary goal that drives these men into attending parties is none other than having sex with the partying girls. The chapter also makes an account of a man called Bill who talks about all the harmful things he would do in order to end up sleeping with women.

Kimmel's Article on Sexual Assault

According to Kimmel, sex to men has become a game of numbers, and men seek to outdo each other considering the number of women they have slept with in their lives. Due to this, these men try to sleep with as many women as they can. According to Kimmel's article, parties are conducive hunting grounds for finding these women to achieve the desired goal (Kimmel 225). Kimmel stipulates that this sexual assault is more rampant on college campuses. Kimmel's article is a clear depiction of what is happening in the current world. Cases of sexual abuse have been a major problem to deal with, particularly in campuses. Many girls get sexually assaulted, and this influences their performance together with getting infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Indeed, many men intoxicate women in parties with the aim of having sex with them.

Reflection on Anthropology and Cultural Relativism

Abu-Lughod's document is a rich evidence of reflection of Anthropology on Cultural Relativism. Abu-Lughod demonstrates his arguments using cultural explanation about the Muslim women and an exploration of ethics of present war on terrorism. The document questions if anthropology is able to save the Afghanistan women and liberate the nation from the predicament of war. Abu-Lughod looked at the harmful impacts of terrorism on culture and the effects it has on the Muslim women considering the historical injustices and political dynamics. Besides, the author contends that attention has to be driven at resonances of contemporary discourses on human rights, freedom, and equality. The missionary and colonial rhetoric of the Muslim women call for the need of developing gratitude to these women. Abu-Lughod makes a proposition and notes that saving the Muslim women means working with them in situations that will translate into historical transformation. She also mentions that all forms of global injustices have to be analyzed, and it is a responsibility of everyone in ending the mistreatment of the Muslim women. Abu-Lughod explicates how the paradigm of saving Muslim women has managed to gain momentum after the terrorist attack that occurred on 9/11.

Gendered Orientalism and the Muslim Women

Certainly, Abu-Lughod indicates that gendered orientalism has significantly taken a new form of life in the current world. Additionally, her writing sets a comprehensive range of examples that are informative to the reader, and her evidence is well supported by the occurrences in the present world. The strength of the book primarily lies in the skillful deconstruction of the symbolic significance of moral crusades, including the Muslim women who have captured the global imagination. She also highlights the way most basic conditions of the lives of the Muslim women are built on national political forces (Abu-Lughod 786). The article also highlights that cultural practices are overemphasized in these Muslim nations, and the impacts of war injustices together with militarization are usually overlooked. Certainly, against the broad geopolitical background, Abu-Lughod contends that oppression, choice, and freedom are instrumental in capturing the dynamics of inequalities that are perpetrated on the lives of the Muslim women. Abu-Lughod warns of the risks of repressive regimes and says that secularism and feminism are highly evident in the Western context.

Militarization in the US and Japan

"Militarized Currents" exposes the consequences of US and Japan militarization on Asia and the Pacific. The collection of documents comprises an analysis of the militarization of an extensive influence of colonialism. It focuses on the two regions and theorizes the impacts of militarization and demonstrates the relations between colonial subordination and militarization (Londey 2). According to Londey, the relationship profoundly worked to shape historical memories, resistance, and knowledge. In foregrounding feminist and indigenous perspectives and the aspect of color, Londey provides a widespread explanation of gendered and racial processes in the 20th and the 21st centuries.

Works Cited

Abu-Lughod, Lila. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections On Cultural Relativism And Its Others.” American Anthropologist, vol 104, no. 3, 2002, pp. 783-790. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1525/aa.2002.104.3.783.

Kimmel Micheal. “Guyland.” Psychiatric Services, vol 61, no. 2, 2010, pp. 208-208. American Psychiatric Publishing, doi:10.1176/

Londey, Peter. “Militarized Currents: Toward A Decolonized Future In Asia And The Pacific. Edited By Setsu Shigematsu And Keith L. Camacho.” The Journal Of Pacific History, vol 47, no. 1, 2012, pp. 137-139. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/00223344.2012.649899.

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