Performance and Functionality of a team

Being part of a team

Being part of a team has both obstacles and opportunity. One advantage of cooperation is that by attacking a problem from many angles, the team can propose multiple solutions. On the other hand, having opposing viewpoints can lead to conflict, which takes time and resources to resolve. My team's terminology emphasizes "we" the team rather than "I" the individual. The preceding ensures that all team members' perspectives and opinions are considered and that no team member feels left out. Functioning as a team requires all members to pull their weight in order for it to perform optimally. When one member is unable to, due to them being occupied elsewhere, one other team members will pick up the roles of the individual.

Functionality in a team

Functionality in a team means that every person has to have an input and it is common to find an individual being competent in one sector but not in another. The lack of competency is overcome by getting another member who is competent in that sector. Thus the members can ask for help and offer assistance to another. It is imperative that all team members know what the mission, vision, and objectives of the team are and are thus able to work towards the same.

Team assessment and setbacks

The above information describes how my team functions. Using the Assessment Exercise table 18-1 of Leading and managing in nursing, 6th Edition, I was able to tally up the counts and found that my team scores 75 out of the possible 100 points. The resolutions made by the team are not always accepted or implemented by the management, thus leaving the team members feeling not valued enough. Secondly, sometimes the process for changing procedures, policies, and equipment is not very clear. Thirdly, promises are made but not kept all the time. The above creates an air of disillusionment among the team members as broken promises portray reduced relevance to the company. Consequently, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the roles of each team member as some of them overlap. Lastly, the group may go beyond its share of time and resources when executing their duties. The above setbacks can be overcome by aligning the team to the 20 points articulated in the team assessment exercise.


Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.

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