"On the Waterfront"

The movie "On the Waterfront"

The movie "On the Waterfront" was released in 1954, and the following is a review of the film.

The Critics' Perspective

Many critics, including Stephen Whitfield, Roger Ebert, and Peter Biskind, were drawn to the film "On the Waterfront" in 1954.

According to Roger Ebert, the story behind the conceptions of conscience is the tale of Elia Kazan's movie text. The underlying behavior and relationship qualities of the film "On the Waterfront" were apparent signs that Kazan was opposed to communism, which he firmly denounced as an evil force that was constantly seducing him (Ebert).

Kazan was ecstatic about the film's success, and he never hesitated to share his joy and pride. He says "On the Waterfront's is my own story; every day I worked on that film, I was feeling the world where I stood and my critics to go and ...themselves" (Ebert).

The Plot and Characters

The film was structured on the truth of a longshoreman story who attempted to fight and overthrow a union leadership of corruption. The guy fails in life, but the film shows him a successful person.

The end of the film "On the Waterfront" feels too upbeat and stagy. The shot of the movie was near the docks where real longshoremen indulge in "extra plays." The corrupt boss, Johnny Friendly was the man behind the remorseful ex-prizefighter plays of a longshoreman by the name Brando. Brando forms a critical part in the play, and he is actively involved in shoddy and unethical operations on behalf of his boss.

A controversial priest, Karl Malden falls on the side of longshoremen testimonies against corruption. The priest was always captured in the scenes of controversy, and he is noted delivering a speech over the body of a rebel. This occurrence concurred with the cold war perceptions offered by Stephen Whitefield.

The Film's Performance and Impact

The film performance in the public and film competitions has been phenomenal according to Peter Biskind. In all 11 Oscars, it has participated, a moment of celebration was always the experience. From an individual viewpoint, it is a film which reformed the acting scenes of the American film industry as a whole.

Works Cited

Ebert, Roger. Conscience. That stuff can drive you nuts. - On The Waterfront. 21 March 1999. http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-on-the-waterfront-1954. 17 October 2017.

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