Observation: A wider social role for sport

This research paper examines several aspects of the application of sociological concepts to a field analysis. This field study begins with keeping a 'Field Log' while performing typical responsibilities and daily tasks throughout the day. This field diary covers conversations and observations that were recorded over the course of one full day when I was not busy and could engage in some social interactions.

The following details from the field log are shown in a timely manner:

  • 0900 I awoke, had a wash, and went outside.

  • 1030 I greeted my groupmate and coworker before deciding to get breakfast at a neighboring eatery. We discussed various aspects of each other's approach to complete the field analysis assignment.

  • 1100 Went to the gym but did not exercise.

  • 1200 Met with a friend and neighbor at gym.

  • 1230 Returned back to home.

  • 1245 Ate lunch at home and met with the sibling on dining table.

  • 1300 Asked about how her education is going and what she learned in her first aid classes.

  • 1430 Went to the public library.

  • 1500 Met and greeted with another neighbor Mrs. Michel at library hall.

  • 1630 Read some books on sociology and its applicable aspects.

  • 1715 Came back home and prepared notes on all social observations.

  • 1912 Went to the gym again.

  • 2000 Came back home and took shower.

  • 2030 I had dinner with all family members together on the dining table.

  • 2130 Prepared for bed and went to sleep.


After conducting the field analysis, I placed my observation notes concerning all the family, social, and public interactions for two days. How our day is shaped with the social norms. When I later revisited my field log list of events, I found at first place that being social is how much important for a person. It is a natural tendency of human beings to look for all the possible socialization options and opportunities. The field log also indicates the usual and social norms we consider important to follow by default. Usually, as human beings, we start to adapt our cultural aspects and all social values as we grow up and learn about the behaviors of other people. Our day spends around a daily routine and some repetitive tasks as done by others. For instance, it is good to go to the gym to remain fit and all other positive aspects of exercise are considerable for any fit person. But, the way I went there twice indicates that it is a sort of pre-programmed thing that was present in my mind. In the morning when I went to the gym, I had no mood to do exercise as I already had eaten breakfast. How four sociological concepts apply to the field log observations.

Social Roles

Social roles refer to the particular behaviors exhibited by the people being part of a particular society. The field analysis and log observations clearly illustrated the various important aspects associated with the social roles of the individuals living in a particular society. It also showed that the social role of an individual is subjected to the rights, norms, values, and connected behaviors of the individuals living in a society. This role is in accordance with the social perception or the collective understanding and following of various social norms. There are limits or some restrictions of an individual's role living within a society, and it is expected from the individuals to consider the social norms and values. Moreover, an individual's role as a social being is concentrated on abiding some ethical principles and respecting the rights of other social fellows.

Social Institutions

The field analysis focused on the existence of social institutions and how they can affect each individual of society at some level. It showed and indicated the fact that social institutions are basically the predefined or established social patterns as per standards and social norms which exist among a particular society. These institutions can be formed at various levels and segments when certain human beings are living within a society. For instance, the institution of family and marriage is considered as a strong social bond that enables the family members to stay together. This social institution can be weak or strong in various societies depending upon their preference and consideration about defining the benefits or disadvantages as per the society's understanding and experience.

Social Interactions

Social interactions are necessary and every individual living in a particular society tends to interact somehow with the other individual. Social interactions are extremely important and are usually discussed in the field of sociology with many different perspectives. Human being is a 'social being' by default and likes to become a part of society by interacting with others in order to share its thoughts, feelings, and aspirations with them. Also, one person of a particular society essentially needs another, and society is subjected to the social interactivity in every sphere of its individuals' lives.

Emotional Labor

The field analysis also pointed out towards the existence of another social attribute that is subjected to the behaviors of people at work. Emotional labor is specifically related to the attempts of employees or workforce to regulate their emotions and feelings when they are accomplishing specific tasks related to the emotional requirements of those tasks. This on-job social mandate is subjected to the acquiring of adequate experience of handling smoothly the sensitive situations that are related to other society members. The workers will need to manage their feelings in an appropriate way that may not become an obstacle during the performance of their duties.

The previous studies conducted on sociology discuss the social role and the relevant problems that start to emerge in society due to bypassing this social attribute by the individuals. There are many ways that are suggested to improve the people's social problems caused due to the unevenness of social roles. Sports are found as one of the cost-effective ways to alleviate the social problems and help them to learn how to better understand the social role (Coalter, 2007).

In a similar manner, social institutions' importance is acknowledged and noted down by the sociologists. The problems in society emerge and become difficult to resolve in case of ignoring the importance of social institutions by the society members. There are certain remedies suggested by the researchers to overcome this problem. One of the effective ways to overcome society's problems is to develop trust by promoting healthcare as a core social institution (Gilson, 2003).


As per my experience of conducting this field analysis in the light of previous researched facts, I can feel that we as human beings get affected by each other. Our lifestyle and the normal activities that we have to do or want to do are sometimes affected by considering the practiced 'social values' around us. Through this exercise of conducting a field analysis, I found out many things about myself in connection to the social responsibilities and some principles that must be adhered to by every member of a human society. These principles are categorized under different cultural and/or civilization perspectives and may be at some places religion also affects the definition of these principles. Some people would suggest and mark these principles as directly related to 'social norms' and try to extract the fact that considering them important is not necessary. According to one perspective illustrated by the behavior of people and also through research, social values are merely set as per human beings' way of thinking and their approach in interacting with each other. Therefore, social norms of a particular place may be discredited or left as to depict the fact that social norms are not important to follow.

But, I have a concern about this way of thinking about social norms because discipline is an important part of this entire universe and if we leave the matter of defining social and cultural values to individuals, then it would result in disorder in one way or other. This is because the moral aspect as per the social norms or values considered within a particular society is something attained by the collective attitude of that society may be after hundreds of years. Human beings started from small families, gradually they started to grow and large communities were developed. There were many stages through which a particular society passes to reach some common and agreed-upon principles or social norms that may become as red lines or may be discredited as per the mood of the individuals. The liberal societies are great places to live and there are many positives related to them. I feel that there should be a consensus or agreement of the individuals to accept social norms and if some people or a few disagree, those should be ignored in a way to define and consider the larger interest of society as a whole. The bottom line of my argument is that there must be a particular extent or limits at the social level that may be developed by the influence of collective wisdom or the elderly wisdom, which should always exist to align the social fabric and life to run.


Coalter, F. (2007). A wider social role for sport: who’s keeping the score? Routledge.

Gilson, L. (2003). Trust and the development of health care as a social institution. Social science & medicine, 56(7), 1453-1468.

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