Medical Radiation Science

The experiment “Medical Radiation Science” focused on the analysis of the X-ray system and the safety precautions bound to it. Quality assurance entails the need to perform an experiment in a desirable manner and delivering results that meet the aim of the study. As such, electrical, mechanical, radiation, and other safety factors should be created to ease efficient and accurate delivery of results. The safety factors should be checked and addressed for quality assurance to be achieved.

Key Concepts

Notably, in quality assurance, the desired aim of the experiment should be achieved by considering the safety precautions. In such a way the radiographic X-ray parameters, such as mA (milliampere), exposure time, and kVp (Kilovoltage Peak) were measured to determine the level of protection needed. The records of the absorbed dose value, if recorded at each exposure setting, would show a variation penetration levels. By decreasing the kilovoltage, the absorbed dose would display a decrease; here, the exposure time and tube current are constant. An inverse relationship is also displayed between kVp and mAs (Ball " Moore, 2008). Therefore, when Kilovoltage is added, the exposure time and tube current would be lowered, as seen in the Gammex 330. Milliamperage (mAs) is another function used to check the quantity of X-rays generated. The measurement depends on exposure time (sec) and the tube current. We performed several measurements and calculations to examine the results.

Besides, the Exposure time is a part of milliamperage. We always take small values in the experiment to avoid effects of radiation. In such a way, we change the exposure time and keep the other factors like kVp and mA constant. We usually take the value in decimals and tried to take as low as 0.04 sec and then increase the value as multiples of the first value. In essence, the Equipment to handle the factor is Gammex 330, which is composed of the focal spot and collimation test objects. Its range is 0.3ms to 999s.

In the computer logic, the experiment aimed at understanding the systems that the computers use to represent figures and perform operations. Here, the AND and OR functions (Booleans) were studied using simple circuits. The binary and decimal systems were also represented and the basic operations involved, besides the truth tables formed. Notably, the CPU performs the instructions fed into a computer with great speed, which is in terms of cycles/second. The contrasts in objects were also observed in spatial resolution. Therefore, spatial resolution was used to show the differences in objects, including their closeness.


X-ray Suites used in diagnosis have poised threats to the practitioners. Therefore, the hazards must be addressed to achieve quality assurance. For instance, safety from radiation emitted should be enhanced by done by creating safety areas, for example, Supervised and Controlled areas. In the Supervised area, an occupant is required to wear TLD monitoring badge. Besides, the Controlled area, which also has 7.5 uSv/hr instantaneous dose rates ensures safety, and when the doors of the examination room are closed, no individual is allowed to enter to prevent exposure. Moreover, the exposures undertaken must also be monitored by the radiation supervisor, and he/she should possess a Radiation Use License (DoH). The rooms should also be closed, with the x-ray tubes pointed away from the doors. Regarding electrical safety, there are high voltages from the generators; thus, should be excluded. In the Diagnostic suites, the movable stands of the x-ray stands should be handled with care to prevent a mechanical collision that may be hazardous. The medical kits are also placed in the Control Room to be used in case there is an accident. The safety precautions would ensure that the experiments are done successfully without exposure to risks.

Key Methods " Numeracy

Radiography entails the method used in the X-ray system to observe the behaviors and the effects it causes. For example, the body tissues can be observed; thus, ensuring that the effect of the X-rays is eliminated. The quantity of ionization on an object is proportional to the amount of energy that the radiation impacts on a particular mass (ARPANSA, 2008). Therefore, the energy/unit mass can apply in quantifying radiation dosage. The Gammex 330 is used to analyze the essential parameters of the X-ray system, their behavior according to calibrated outputs.

In the spatial resolution, FUNK Line Pair can be applied to determine the Spatial Resolution presented in an imaging chain. Besides, Contrast-Detail (C-D) test object measures the performance of the imaging systems to give trade-offs between low-contrast object differentiation and hi-contrast ones.


From the experiments, it is obvious that the accuracy of the equipment is dependent on how you use it. Placing, cleaning, and handling the objects are all related to managing them properly. Similarly, from clinical perspective, inpatient management, it is as important to use safe, clean, and efficient objects to perform tasks. In essence, I took the initiative of performing the experiments myself to identify the safety measures that the X-ray equipment display. Therefore, it created first-hand information and I identified that precautions are valid in healthcare settings involving X-rays.

The experiments offered an understanding of the class work as it was a proof of the theoretical lecture materials. For instance, the contrast in objects and the applications of Boolean functions were seen. As a group, we were able to share ideas and consult one another on ways of understanding the experiments and their outcomes. In few instances, we encountered challenges with defaults in objects used, but we talked to the technician, who was able to replace them. Essentially, the practical work is important in shaping my career as I am able to observe safety and quality work. Moreover, I have learned the basic computer applications that are important in my course. The understanding of the relationship between the parameters in X-ray tube forms part of the knowledge gained in the whole process.


Overall, we learned how to measure the factors, their importance, and the respective effects on the outputs of an X-ray system. Besides, it was observed that accuracy is dependent on the equipment handling and safety precautions are taken to avoid an accident. Therefore, practitioners should be cautious in handling the equipment to avoid exposure to the radiations that may be harmful to the body tissues. By studying spatial resolution, one is able to use the X-ray objects to view the inside body tissues and present observations. The computer applications regarding Boolean functions are essential in the control room as the information would be used in varying the conditions such as lighting in the rooms of operation.


ARPANSA. (2008) Radiation Protection in the Medical Applications of Ionizing Radiation, RPS 14, ISBN 978-0-9803236-3-4

Ball J. " Moore A. (2008) Essential Physics for Radiographers, (4th edition), Blackwell Science, Edinburgh

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