Luke's argument analysis

Luke's Distinctions between Wants and Interests

Luke asserts that there are various distinctions between wants and interests. He starts off by saying that want is a matter of personal preference and a goal that one may or may not be able to realize. An individual can nonetheless live a healthy life and exist without any material needs. On the other hand, interest is a goal that a person sets in order to fulfill a specific desire. Luke provided additional information on interest by adding that a farmer's interest is to ensure the income from their farms (Almeida, Ahmetoglu and Chamorro-Premuzic 102-112). The farmer will be able to satisfy their needs once they have gained such interests. Luke further explained that interests are an individual's underlying reasons, motivations, and values. They tend to explain why a person is interested in taking a particular action. While want is a sense of lack that drives an individual to develop an interest in something. A person will develop an interest in having a bigger house when they lack enough space to accommodate and meet their needs. As a result, they will be forced to take action to fulfill their wants through satisfying their interests.

This scholar further brings differences between wants and interest by asserting that want is the feel to own and inclined to something. It comes with a lot of urges to fulfill it. However, interest is the explanation of why a person possesses such urge to satisfy their wants for something. He went on to explain that an interest acts as a motivator which pushes a person to ensure that they have achieved the wants they desire.

Similarities and Differences between Foucault's Theory of Discipline and Luke's Three-Dimensional View of Power

Question Four

There are a lot of similarities and differences between Foucault's theory of discipline and Luke's three-dimensional view of power. For instances, these two theorists talked about the correlation and relationship that exists between people and power. They state that behaviors of an individual to comply with the set rules and regulation depend on the influence imposed on him or her by other people who either following the rules or deviating from the rules. Another similarity of this theory is the assumption that the modern society all citizens have freedom and rights to participate in major decisions involving their nations. This means that when major decisions such as electing leaders or changing the existing constitution are needed, opinions from the citizens must be required through organized voting on the issues.

On the other hand, there are some differences that exist between these two theories. For example, in Luke's theory, he asserted that the ability to manipulate what people think as the right may lead to a misconception of an idea and biased decisions. However, Foucault's theory believes that what people consider as true passes through different channels and processes. The mechanisms that render something as true are broken down into flexible approaches and circulate openly within the society hence giving each and every person the time to think of an idea as a fact or false (Gorski). On the other hand, these theories are different because in Foucault's theory a lot of emphases is made on plagues as the basis of setting up a disciplinary program. On the other side, Luke's theory is based on the subtle system in which decisions concerning how people are governed are made on a complex system.

Question 2B

In the discussion involving Alex, Banjo and Rex about the revolution in the transportation sector, based on their arguments I think Alex make more credible and informed point than his counterparts. In his discussion, Alex pointed out some facts about the new development in the transportation sector which are set to provide the travelers with freedom and liberty while at the same time giving drivers incredible flexibility in their work. With the emergence of deferent types of cars such driverless cars, the drivers are provided with the freedom to look at other things or monitor their vehicles at one point without necessary traveling to every point with the passengers. Furthermore, the drivers will also be able to make more money since the speed of a carless vehicle is incredibly high and controlled remotely hence, they will not experience heavy jam thus leading to high returns.

On the other hand, Alex's argument is a bit superior to Banjo and Rex since he recognizes the fact the new revolution in the transportation industry will minimize the number of deaths caused by accidents daily on our roads. Due to the fact that most accidents are caused by driver's error, speeding, alcohol, ignoring road rules and regulations, aggressiveness and over-compensation, the introduction of driverless vehicle bring an end to such incidences. Therefore, more than 1100 lives who are perishing on the road annually will be preserved while at the same time more than 211000 accident will be prevented annually (Tilly).

The passengers will also be granted freedom to travel at any time they want without fear of being stuck in traffic jams for hours. Alex argues that traffic jams in many times are caused by selfish behavior among drivers. Drivers tend to compete in order to make more trips. However, a lot of research have shown that if each driver embraces mutual benefit within the roads and agree to space out and allow each vehicle to move freely between the lanes, traffic will continue to flow and eventually less time will be spent by passengers on the roads. Alex stated that with new technology in the transportation sector, we have the capability of eliminating traffic jam altogether. Therefore, the introduction of self-driving cars is the only answer to traffic jam problems. Self-driving vehicles are usually programmed with the automatic space sensors. This means that when a car has reached close to another, they will maintain a given space thus allowing the other vehicles to move and change lanes thereby passengers will spend minimal time while traveling.

The superiority of Alex's argument is further justified by the fact that self-driving cars increase highway capacity thereby allowing natural movements even within a busy city. He backed up his argument by stating that initially, highways were developed with the intention of improving the flow of traffics. However, this was a mistake since one's one of the vehicles stops on the road, all traffic behind it will have to estop. However, the new revolution and development of driverless cars which has the capability of communicating with one another, and only stop when it is necessary to do so at the right place at the right moment. This will eventually increase highway capacity leading to easy and quick movement of vehicles.

Alex also connects the new revolution in the transportation sector to moderate consumption of fuels, in particular with self-driving cars. Car-to-car communication system inbuilt in these machines will allow each car to recognize what the car in front of them is going to do before they carried the action (Tilly). For example, if one vehicle brake, all those cars behind it will do so simultaneously. Besides, with all the cars linked together and traveling at the same speed, drafting will then be introduced thereby improving the aerodynamics of each. Consequently, the amount of fuel consumed by each vehicle will reduce considerably. On the same matter, the fact that the time and hours cars take in a traffic jam will be eliminated, the amount of fuel spent will also reduce with some bigger gallons.

Alex further argued that the introduction of new technology in the transportation sector also enhances human productivity. Currently, when traveling in a car or a bus, all the attention is on the road especially when you are the driver. However, this trend is likely to change with the new entry of carless driver in this sector. Passengers will be freed from task managing the vehicle, and they will in return switch their brains, eyes, and hand on other things. For example, if the passenger is a student, he or she will be able to complete their assignments or read while traveling without having to worry about road safety and rules. Again, Alex asserted that doing nothing on your way to work makes an employ more productive as they can freely think and come up with numerous ideas that will assist them to perform their duties correctly. Therefore, through all these arguments and discussions placed by Alex, it is true to agree that his points were much superior and credible to the topic than Banjo and Rex.

Work Cited

Almeida, P. I. L., G. Ahmetoglu, and T. Chamorro-Premuzic. “Who Wants To Be An Entrepreneur? The Relationship Between Vocational Interests And Individual Differences In Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Career Assessment 22.1 (2013): 102-112. Web.

Gorski, Philip S. Calvinism And State-Formation In Early Modern Europe. 1st ed. Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 2017. Print.

Tilly, Charles. War Making And State Making As Organized Crime. 1st ed. CAMBRIDGE: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2017. Print.

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