Life Beyond Dreams


Yes, I am not dreaming. Dreaming is an act which normally happens when one is deeply or half asleep. The experience in dreams is the opposite of normal life. When I am in the dreamland, the ability that I possess is too way different from the normal life. I have the capability to become anything or anyone that subsists in the world. There is no limitation, all imaginations are valid. I can become a president or a king where bodyguards are around me. A movie star in a shoot-out who saving everyone and turns out to be the hero or marry the girl of my dreams and enjoy light moments with her. Death is no issue in the dreams and I can pass through breath taking moments without any fear. Dreams are diverse and can exist in many diverse forms having different moods. They can entail happiness, sadness, horrific, relaxing, adventure, discoveries and other different moods. All of the above involves dreaming, in contrast, real life is much different from it. I know that I am in real life, and not dreaming, due to the following laid arguments.

Normality of Life

To begin with, the normality of life is a key reason that shows me that I am not dreaming. There exists no extremities in real life, everything runs slowly and sluggishly. Time moves relaxed, and there is nothing out of normality that occurs. The normal tasks that I am performing clearly shows that I am not dreaming. The absence of frequent abrupt changes in the surrounding is a revelation to me that I am actually in the real life where changes are slow unlike in the dreamland where things happens rapidly. Cause and effect law describes real life. Something can’t happen by its own. A cup can’t fall down from a table unless an external force is applied to it. When I watch and discover that everything is stationary and unless I subject them to motion they are immovable, it shows me evidently that I am not dreaming!

Physical Existence

Secondly, the physical existence of everything is a disclosure of life beyond dreamland. As I walk around, I have the ability to touch and feel everything that I come across. The physical touch means a lot to me and with this I notice that I am not dreaming. For instance, I can feel; my body, coldness of ice in my hand, get burned by a candle or undergo suffocation when I get submerged in water. Considering all, physical experience makes living a reality. I get to understand that I am not fantasizing but actually I am existing as living creature in a tangible environment unlike in daydreams where one has limitation to what one can touch. In imaginings, almost everything is intangible and can exist in vapor form. Sometime I get to worry that I am dreaming but when I get to touch my face and things around me, I am assured that I am in a normal life. Actually, right now, I am typing, I can physically feel the buttons on the keyboard, I am not in a vision, but in a real life!

Physical Activities

Thirdly, the physical activities helps one to have knowledge of reality and also to discover that one is not imagining. The activities that I partake each and every day which include studying, gaming, cooking, singing, all these bring the reality in my own eyes. Nevertheless, they can occur in visions but not in totality and credible details as they transpire in real life. Taking an example of cooking, I must have all the ingredients and tools required for me to make a particular dish. The activity itself must transpire in a given time period. The satisfactory details of all this shows the reality of life and such specifics can’t occur in dreamlands. From the moment I get out of bed and start my daily routine, I discern that I am in a real life. Generally, all activities that I undertake except sleeping, gives an assurance that I am in real world and not visions.

Responsibilities and Duties

Last but not least, responsibilities and duties dismiss imagination. Assigned tasks that I have to undertake brings actuality. After reality strikes me on my assigned tasks, it brings reality removes daydreaming. Sometimes I normally wish that I am in a dream when I have a lot of duties to perform but I can’t avoid my conscious which tells me that I am in a real life and I must fulfill my duties.


In conclusion, existing in a real world with activities drives out imagination. The nature of activities and their physical condition helps me to know that I am not dreaming. The experience of daily activities that I partakes is a revelation of the reality of life. The clarity of real life separates it from dreams. The responsibility and duties that I have triggers reality which shows me that I am not dreaming!

Works Cited

Malcolm, Norman. Dreaming. Routledge, 2017.

Windt, Jennifer M. Dreaming: A conceptual framework for philosophy of mind and empirical research. MIT Press, 2015.

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