Kazakhstan Central Asia

Kazakhstan's capital city, Astana, is situated in Asia's northern region. This town has grown way too much. The northernmost capital city in Central Asia is located in a region of flat floodplain terraces with a distinctly continental climate. The modernity that is reflected in capital city urban planning is one of the most powerful ideas that are cherished in the modern world. The capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, is well recognized for its forward-thinking architecture and concepts, and many have long admired them (Koch, 2013). Daily life and ideological differences are two prominent topics in anthropological studies. This study also bases its findings on the ambitions and memories of travelers and occupants. It also deals with various disciplines like geography and anthropology among many in their space and place regarding methods used in the collection of information.

Pathways into the City of the Future

Central Asia requires various disciplines and methods for one to understand its nature of politics and social life. This essay argues on the efforts made by anthropologists to enrich people's understanding of the political issues and the desire to affectionately understand the structural systems beyond the set formal institutional politics. Technical interventions that were made and identified with particular specific sites have been claimed methodologically to be a less political transforming and less strategic. Apart from focusing only on the political processes, it's prudent also to substantially explore the importance of political advancement based on the two anthropological types of research.

Astana seems to be the government’s preferred platform towards achieving Vision 2030 project. This city means a lot to the President who has identified the town with his character. Moreover, the national Astana Daybreak, the jubilation of the capital transformation, now corresponds the president’s birthday. Astana forms a presidential proxy for his modernization project and also a representation for his cult of disposition. Historically, the worth of an image depends on its ability to vary the trendiness of the head of state, easing the boredom deprived of weakening or intimidating his power.

Practices and Images Together with Future Materialism

Changes within Astana are evident periodically; however, few have considered how images have proliferated throughout Kazakhstan. Nation-building project in Kazakhstan is signified by the valued monumental looks, in which Kazakhstan shows characteristics of a developing city (Collins, 2002). These changes can easily be seen and drawn from the data collected in Astana. Ethnographic facts piloted at that time form an integral part of the entire project which depicts on dogmatic and cultural topographical readings of landscapes as text with inter-disciplinary approaches.

Perfuming Urbanity

Postcolonial critiques made transformations a highly regarded issue as based on the conversion concept, which alleged that unindustrialized nations would advance towards a European model of aggregating development and expansion. Furthermore, they have highlighted the expatriate origins of the perception of innovation, bringing out a distinction between tradition and modernity. Modernization cannot only be ridden off as colonialists argue because; this would disregard its essential part in recent and proper legislation and its various approaches within the world (Laszczkowski, 2016). Globally, modernity changes and continually shifts from local claims, understandings drawn from some dialogues and categories. Innovativeness is a great tool used in various contexts and complex situations. Therefore, the primary concern is who controls modernization.

Many people across the world understand the concept of modernization in various ways. The aspect of modernization could be traced back into the rich past. However, based on the current situation where it is viewed that modernization is the promising present future. While in Astana, the perception lies in the bright future basing on the present lives of people. The central integral part of these claims is the innovativeness in the current nation state. Moreover, the aspect of the territory is integrated within their political and geographical position has intensified the challenges of naturalization in the country. The aspect of containing space is hindered due to Territorialization. States’ rules and regulations toward achieving more space have been viewed differently despite being current projects (Laszczkowski, 2016). This rule has been perceived to be part of internal colonization as it borrows a lot from the past colonial projects. Moreover, it shows the vast cityscapes and all the pictures of Astana with a special significance.

Symbolic Needs; The Future City in the Past

The difference between the material and the symbolic needs is the identity in analyzing the political structures. Human beings understand and view the world on one dimension that's consistently suggestive to themselves and others regarding their needs. However, this is not the only tool used in political manipulation but also forms an integral part of politics. Moreover, the symbolic argument should not be prioritized by the iconic makers to represent themselves in the states, schools books, and the state currencies but be valued in ways that favor everyone in the community and a nation at large. Viewing from an ethnographic perspective shows that objects can stand for or mean something else that means they can perform similar work.

It’s analytically consequential to display material and symbolic things as separate entities from each. This is because there is an obvious essential difference between matters and the body, concrete and abstract within the two factors. From this, it is, therefore, demonstrated that the two issues could permanently limit our potential to recognize a great significance of interventions that could have been viewed as technical (Laszczkowski, 2016).

Politics are unpredictable and changes from one season to another making it more difficult for analyst and state officials to hold it. Conceptual and theoretical knowledge can help us understand the anthropological perspective on the dynamic force of politics and the political aspects that exceed the analysts and symbolize everyday life. From this point of view, it is argued that it is essential for developing a comprehensive account across the border.

Secondly, ethnographical studies significance is drawn from the current anthropological studies focusing entirely on change. It is the effects of the state based on their manifestations of their technology towards rebounding and separating the aspect of structured culture and those exercising their powers over them. Further, there are two-dimensional effects from legal theory explaining techniques and activities involved. Practices contribute significantly to building the world that is devoid of a composite of standard methods but outdated. This is based on individuals with activities on one side and structures scheduled that only separates people precedes and integrates them in a given framework.

Compared to other govern mentality theories, can be singled out by the constitution of the state based on the practices and the representation such as mapping and statistics. It further seeks to move ahead of the Foucauldian Concern aiming to explore the material technologies as well as the precise mechanisms whereby the state can be viewed as above and something outside the society. State effects cannot only be seen as the outcomes of dialogue but can be regarded as merged, evident forms such as the language of permissible exercise public building architectures and put on of uniforms within various institutions.

The state effects materiality is essential in the aspired states unity and the quest for a structural habitation not only basing on own arguments but rather outcomes of physical interventions and products of advancing technology. However, it's cumbersome to bring out the distinction between material culture and symbolism. This is because of the differences between the technological forms, particular logics, and rule that enable some aspects of both the political organization and social to become imaginable. Hence the materially mediated state is always imagined by many. This logical move is significant in focusing how these countries can be achieved and consolidate a dimension that has brought great controversial. Underdevelopment has precisely become cumbersome among the sick, weak and demarcated borders in the country. Aforementioned has given researchers space in bringing out more issues of territorialization towards understanding its integration between the citizens and the authority.

Political and Ethnical Diversity in Future City

Ferghana Valley is the largest and the most populated area of the province of Central Asia. This area has been singled out because of its political and ethnical diversity and the people. These people share a lot in common, usually, speaking the same language and sharing a lot of their social and political issues. Contemporary catastrophic is not as a product of a change in status but rather from their geographical position, territories and the readings of the landscape. The rise of technology has led to the eradication of some social and cultural practices that was done in the past by their ancestors including migration of people seasonally, their visits to their sacred places of worship. Traditions of their original homelands and settling in various places bring harmony to the community. However, Multiple specialties between the privately owned lands and rusting remnants on the communally owned lands have created spatial correlations which are often distinct. This disadvantage is majorly found within the underrated areas which have low living standards.

Above all, there is a lot of historical legitimacy as understandings of the contemporary state collide with the memories of war tone areas perimeters and the locations of their ancestral lands. Residents of this valley bring forth and back the jurisdiction of the two sectors towards providing a particular description of issues at a glance. Stake became an issue after independence due to changes in the administration that led to an illegal sale of lands and properties between the citizens besides the neighboring states. Anxieties escalate between the two countries of Tajikistan and Batken. The Tajik nation suggests another method of resolving out their issues between the affected territories.

Historically, cultural transformations were viewed to be a strategy used by the government to draw boundaries. The intense political debate is essential towards understanding the dynamics of cross-border arrangements, necessitating the examination of historical issues and the political context in which they befall. The enormous difference between the two villages of Kyrgyz and Tajik and there comparatively heavy population is striking reflecting their settlement patterns after independence and their historical differences, social organizations of space and their sources of livelihood. Moreover, it also reflects the subsequent changes of land between the two villages and the Soviet delimitation as late as the 1960s which led to the concentration of settlements in the present Vorukh and within the nearby states.

The relationship between culture and the environment cannot be easily unbounded. Historically, various families live along a particular geographical position such as along the courtyard with high walls (Laszczkowski, 2016). Moreover, their sons who have already married had to stay within their parent's homestead becoming an extended neighborhood and easy to govern. This compounding of families brought great moral integral issues within a particular geographical space. Moreover, this forms highly integrated historical features.

Mahalla discursively experimented and identified the manners within the Kyrgyz and Osh. Ethnic boundaries are all indexed along the Isafari valley hence it can easily be differentiated through their socio-spatial organizations. Although it’s commonly challenging to identify the end points of the lands for a given family due to the walls that are usually very short to the heights of a human being only around the residential plots (Collins, 2006). Few storey buildings that can be seen by passersby and more so residents can see what’s going on around.

One should be very careful when expounding the way of life of people from a given point of view. Behaviors they manifest, for one to visualize the existence of the tall walls and golden gates indicating an improvement in development and assuming that architectures bring directives to the organization of societal life. People within Mahalla have therefore misunderstood the concept of development to them being imposed by others. Misunderstanding has been seen in several kinds of literature to be a hindrance to organizational space brought about by institutionalized events.

A study in Ak-Sai shows the appearance of a high-walled last year and an expansive wall constructed along the roads that mark the border among their neighbors which is commented within their locality. These structures are not built on a disputed land although possessing a lot of wealth, the music that can be heard punctures the chilly evening and the changes of the earlier open fields which were converted into garden plots, escalating the larger and apparently wealthier population becoming the enclave (Collins, 2006). The main issue is recognizing the nature of the states and its constants transformations and understanding them within their cultural terms. Close attention has to be made within the political economy of various allocations to depict the cause of pressure evident within the densely populated areas.

The Tajik of Cork has the highest population compared to other groups within the Central Asia. In these areas, many people depend on land for their livelihoods (Collins, 2006). Despite the land in this area being unsuitable for farming, modifications have been done to curb to this. Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy of this people.

Courtyard Fixation

Among these communities, their practices have made them live close with their families because there is no more land for the domestic purpose. Most of the land placed under irrigation, leading to the rise of illegal social practices within this area. Such as illegal leases and illegal cross-border sales according to FTI, (2007).1 hectares of land cost between $25000-30,000 considerably more than their nearest villagers and significantly higher than the amount needed to purchase a residential within the peripheries of the valley. Cultivations done in this new lands highly depends on irrigation which limits the possibilities of achieving high yields as well as the pressure brought about by the residential variations in the price of real estates (Bohr, 2004). Within the valley of Isfara River favors rice growing as this crop depends entirely on irrigation purposes.

Colonialist opened these irrigation canals which led to the transformations of barren lands into more productive zones. This new method of farming has contributed to the eradication of some social aspects of the life of some communities that led a nomadic way of life. However, the immense contributions of this system of farming favor only some specific areas that are close to water sources meaning that, lands without access to water sources are of little use. The political economy of the country complicates the local pressure on the border sales. On the Tajik border, a majority of the land is arable and remains to be the property of the state despites its inconsiderable shorter supply. These lands are farmed collectively with crops that are not with the farmer’s choice but from a state. The privatization of land in Kyrgyzstan has not been without profound social consequences.


Astana which is the capital city of Kazakhstan is situated in the northern part of Asia. The place has flat floodplain terraces with a sharply continental climate. Astana is the government’s ideal platform towards achieving Vision 2030 project. Nation-building project in Kazakhstan is signified by the valued monumental looks, in which Kazakhstani shows characteristics of a developing city. The rise of technology resulted in the eradication of some social and cultural practices done in the past by ancient generation. These involved people moving to the space of worship to praise their gods. There is significant variance between Kyrgyz and Tajik villages. This variance is their great population which is apparently seen by their settlement pattern after the independence. The density of their population has been contributed by various factors such as historical differences, social organizations of the residential areas and their sources of livelihood. The rise of illegal practices has been resulted by the placing of the whole land to be under irrigation.


Bohr, A. (2004). Regionalism in Central Asia: New geopolitics, old regional order. International Affairs, 80(3), 485-502.

Collins, K. (2002). Clans, pacts, and politics in Central Asia. Journal of Democracy, 13(3), 137-152.

Collins, K. (2006). Clan politics and regime transition in Central Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Koch, N. (2013). The ‘heart’of Eurasia? Kazakhstan's centrally located capital city. Central Asian Survey, 32(2), 134-147.

Laszczkowski, M. (2016). 'City of the Future': Built space, modernity and urban change in Astana. London: Berghahn Books.

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