Job Seeking in the Current Era

There are different perception associated with the module of job seeking in the current era. The article claims that vice presidents always find it challenging to secure presidency jobs. The trend hardly offers positive results towards vice president winning elections. Various conditions are being put to task concerning these person’s abilities to attain many votes during an election. The analysis is based on two participants (Biden and Hillary) looking at the chances of each securing the seat. Nevertheless, the response was attained from a debate earlier held by the democrats concerning Biden’s opportunities compared to Hillary’s.


The data address the issue of Biden winning an election after serving as vice president in the previous administration. The evidence is attained from the Economist journal collected through a sampling act of past results and specific declarations from confidants. According to the information presented in the article, there are minimal numerical statements related to the topic. The author looks at the options that made vice presidents clinch the top seat in the United States. There is a temporal expression of the data pointing out the instances where a vice president attained the seat, but no acts of elections were conducted in the country. For example, The Economist (2015) states that Teddy Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Gerald Ford clinched this position after the death of the country’s president. However, there was no geographical relationship in the data presented. The data is one snapshot, though it relies on various historical events in the United States. The article only covers significant events in the country with minimal interest in all elections that involved vice presidents.


The data provide illustrations trough factual events stating the years that hosted such events on change of leadership. The data offer critical information regarding the United States’ elections and the drastic changes that occur at the primaries within political parties. The group has sufficient information regarding the various reasons linked to the evolution of leadership as vice presidents assume office through an election or otherwise. One of the alarming findings in the article is that there are only two vice presidents that won the presidency through an election. The discovery rubs the norm that a vice president cannot successfully win an election. Every political player is held with the role to persuade the electorate to offer a large turnout and vote based on the presented political ideologies. The past political deeds of any candidate have a significant impact on their future positions.

Similarly, these results can be explained in graphical illustrations demonstrating the curve of the vice presidents who attained the top seat through elections, other reasons, and those that attempted to run but never succeeded. The article further reveals that it is relatively hard for a vice president to declare candidacy for the position in this political era. The data collection practice may be attributed to the competition between Biden and Hillary relating to their likelihoods of clinching the presidency in the recently concluded elections in the United States.


Aspiring politicians, researchers, students, and historians may find this information useful. The content is a source of reference to various publications that are likely to be released to the public. According to Stackowiak, Licht, Mantha, " Nagode (2015), limited consumption of factual data will always have an adverse impact on the conclusions presented for public use. Some of the thesis statements may include;

i. What probabilities do a sitting vice president have in clinching the presidency’s seat in a forthcoming election

ii. Even though many politicians rise to declare the need for candidacy, what role do the debates play in the provision of the part’s ticket?

iii. Concerning historical events in a country, what impact does past events have over the current political atmosphere

iv. Can a sitting vice president make a better candidate for the presidency?

v. What kind of political will can the electorate offer to an individual willing to run for the position?

The data bring up questions of what actions do these candidates execute after losing an election — the data further suggest that it is not right to rely on historical events to determine current political patterns. According to documentation by Weigel (2018), the Democrats are continuously shrinking their caucus map and are only left with the alternative of visiting the North Carolina special. Joe Biden is making significant projections as he claimed a 71.4% from candidates’ endorsement after his campaign in the last weeks of the concluded election. Montana as further registered one of its best turnouts in the concluded practice registering an estimated 504, 384 votes in any political election (Weigel, 2018). This result further symbolizes that there is a drift in the current political activities in the country that will later influence Trump’s succession acts in the coming election.


            The US history has a significant impact on political atmospheres in the country which determines the voting patterns from the electorate. Similarly, even though Joe Biden lost in the primaries, there was a need to look at Hillary Clinton’s opportunities of winning the election. The data suggest that various factors played a part in shrinking Hillary’s succession the concluded elections. Nevertheless, the political parties in the country have a particular pattern of voting during their preliminaries and general election practices. This record influences the number of presidencies that these parties have registered in the different political events.


Stackowiak, R., Licht, A., Mantha, V., " Nagode, L. (2015). Big data and the internet of things: enterprise information architecture for a new age. Berkeley: Springer.

The Economist. (2015). History is against the vice-president. It is extraordinarily rare for a sitting veep to win a presidential election — the Economist, 1-4.

Weigel, D. (2018). The Trailer: What we learned from all the 2018 results: The winners, losers, flippers, voters, and spenders. The Washington Post, 1-6.

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