How to Protect Yourself From the Ebola Virus

Ebola Virus: Introduction

Ebola virus is a severe, often fatal, illness originally transmitted from wild animals (such as fruit bats, porcupines, and nonhuman primates) to humans. It spreads from person to person by contact with blood, fluids, or other secretions of infected people. It can also be transmitted through surfaces or materials contaminated with these fluids, such as infected bedding and clothing.

Symptoms and Fatality

The disease is characterized by severe symptoms that can include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and muscle pain. It causes death in about half of all people who contract it. Fortunately, the number of people who die each year is much lower than it used to be.

Prevention and Vaccination

A vaccine has been developed that can prevent infection from occurring. It is made up of three different antibodies that imitate proteins produced by the body’s immune system and can be given in an intravenously injection to help keep it from spreading.

Limiting Exposure and Contact

Another way to stop the spread of the disease is by limiting exposure to people who are sick with it. This means avoiding direct contact with any infected individuals and not handling items such as clothes, bedding, or medical equipment that has come in contact with someone’s blood or body fluids. Avoiding contact with deceased individuals is also important. You should avoid funerals and burial rituals that require touching the body of someone who has died of Ebola.

Protective Measures and Healthcare Facilities

You should also avoid contact with people who have been hospitalized or treated for Ebola. If you are going to be visiting a healthcare facility where there is an ongoing outbreak, it is important to talk with your doctor about what measures you should take to protect yourself. During an outbreak, you should wear long-sleeved shirts and pants that cover your arms and legs and use gloves or gowns when working with patients. You should also wash your hands often and cover any cuts or wounds you may have with plastic wrap.

Self-Care and Monitoring

It is best to stay home if you have any of the symptoms of the disease, including fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. You should also take your temperature regularly to watch for changes in your health. Your doctor will give you medicine to treat the symptoms of the disease and may also prescribe antibiotics for any other problems. They will also check your blood, urine, and other tests to see how well your body is functioning and watch for any changes in your health. This can include eye exams, testing to make sure your heart is working properly, and other treatments that can help you feel better. You should also try to get lots of rest and drink plenty of water. If you are worried about your symptoms, call your doctor right away. They will check you for other diseases and take your blood, urine, and other tests to look for any signs of the Ebola virus.

Inmazeb: New Treatment

There is a new drug called inmazeb that is being used to treat people who are sick with Ebola. It is made up of atoltivimab, maftivimab, and odesivimab-ebgn -- man-made antibodies that imitate those released by the body’s immune system. It works by targeting and attaching itself to a glycoprotein on the surface of the virus and blocking it from entering cells. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Regeneron and was tested during the 2018-2019 Ebola outbreak in the Congo. It is now approved by the FDA and should be available to doctors treating patients with Ebola more quickly.

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