GLBT Youth and Their Experiences

Being a GLBT can expose an individual to harassment and rejection even by parents who do not want to be associated with such children. The youths in this film are talking about their experiences after discovering their sexuality and portraying it. The harassment they receive is uncalled for and wrong as everyone has a right to express themselves. The process of coming out was characterized by anxiety and fear of the people’s reactions. Other kids were hostile to the ones expressing a different sexuality. Reflecting on their experience highlights on the issues the GLBT youths encounters and the effects they have on them.

Every person should have the right to express themselves without being harassed or treated unfairly. It is because harassing those who are different from us makes such people feel insecure. Homophobia is wrong given that it is something that an individual cannot change and thus, it should be taken in the same magnitude as racism. I expect that youths who come out should be accepted and made comfortable, especially by teachers who should advocate for equality and prevent harassment (Panleft). GLBT are normal people and they should be supported and loved. Everyone deserves to be accepted, respected and treated equally without being harassed or treated differently for who they are. I feel that it is wrong to pick out someone or discriminate against an individual for who they are or talk bad things about them.

The experiences of the GLBT youths has been an eye opener in the way the society treats such individuals. Most of the people are homophobic and that makes the GLBT people feel insecure. It is important to respect and support everyone without judging them based on their sexuality. There is a need for increasing the awareness on the issue to ensure that those who come out are not harassed but instead, they are accepted and loved equally as everyone else.

Work Cited

Panleft. "Voices of GLBT Youth." YouTube, GLSEN - Tucson, 17 Mar. 2011," Accessed 25 Apr. 2018.

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