Canada's Provincial Offences Act

A province law known as the province Offenses Act establishes the methods for prosecuting offenders. Municipalities are in charge of managing judicial proceedings, and provincial offenses represent the attorney general. Municipal law enforcement agents are the name given to law enforcement personnel in the Canadian province of Ontario. Provincial Offenses...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

Kentucky v. King (2011) No. 09-1272 Supreme Court of the U.S.

The Kentucky v. King Case served as a test of police-created exigent conditions. According to the Fourth Amendment, police can access a house without a warrant in an emergency. However, when they fabricate an emergency situation, the police cannot excuse a search without a warrant. (Dery, 2012). The test was...

Words: 1021

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Discovery and Inspection

The defendant has a right to examine and copy any medical and scientific reports that are in the government's custody or control under 18 U.S.C. 3489(a)(1) (1948). However, if the government's attorney is informed of the existence of the report and the item is essential to building the defense, the...

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Canada Evidence Act

Canada recognizes the difficulties with obtaining competent and compellable witnesses. As a result, the nation passed the Evidence Act to handle the problem. The Act clearly defines a competent witness and an incompetent witness, as well as who can be compelled to speak in court and who cannot. This essay...

Words: 409

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European Union law prevails over domestic law

European Union's primary influence and dominance (EU) Two of the four constitutional principles in the EU Law concern the supremacy of laws over domestic laws. The articles of the treaties or the laws of the European Community (EC) do not directly allude to these principles. There is no explicit language...

Words: 2224

Pages: 9

Research on General Practice Law

When someone breaks the law, they may be prosecuted and charged by the judge if they are found guilty. Depending on the crime that a person commits, most nations, including the United States, have various courts that deal with criminals. Therefore, the primary emphasis of this study is on the...

Words: 459

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United States v. Bailey

The defendants were caught for violating the law governing escape from federal custody, 18 U.S.C. 751(a), after they had escaped from the jail in the District of Columbia. The respondents claimed during their trial that the circumstances of their prior detention prevented them from being taken back into custody (United...

Words: 1221

Pages: 5

Why the courts are most effective in enforcing family law

The best way to enforce family rules is through the courts. Family law is frequently intricate and difficult. Courts deal with a variety of family law-related issues, such as divorce and separation, property and asset division, child care and custody decisions, family violence, and conflict resolution. (Becker & Becker 2009)....

Words: 357

Pages: 2

Harold Weinstein charges on sexual assault

Was it legal for the detectives to use a GPS tracking device to locate the defendant in accordance with New York criminal procedure law, and would the evidence acquired from the GPS be used in the case? Does the pen register permit the use of an unauthorized monitoring device by...

Words: 945

Pages: 4

Making a decision on an ethical dilemma

Making Ethical Judgments in a Quandary Situation Making a judgment in an ethical quandary situation usually necessitates extreme prudence. This is due to the fact that the decision made may have long-term consequences for the parties concerned. It is beneficial for a decision maker to arrive at an ethical answer that...

Words: 757

Pages: 3

The official rightful story of partisan gerrymandering

The Truth Behind Political Gerrymandering The truth behind the official narrative of political gerrymandering is bleak. The paper discusses Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos and Eric M. McGhee's work on partisan gerrymandering and the efficiency gap. Since they had never established any district plans on this basis, the courthouses did not recognize the...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

Friend v. Alberta

In 1998, the ruling in the case of Friendly v. Alberta included the Supreme Court of Canada. Due to the legal battle for the LGBT, the matter is current at this time. For homosexuals, the equality concept does not hold true. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom is in...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

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