films on demand video by Koller

Social Institutions

Social institutions exist in every civilization. Education, religion, government, family, and the economy are some of them. While religion serves as a socialization tool and offers explanations for natural riddles, the family structure assures reproduction and controls sexual behavior. One of the most significant social institutions is education. Students have the chance to develop their skills in occupations that help with the division of labor and pass cultural traditions from one generation to the next. The economy ensures consumption of products and services while the government creates and upholds laws.

Why are fewer Americans getting married?

This video explores the family institution and the changes that impact it. Fewer people getting married means that the family institution is doomed as the population shrinks due to lack of procreation. According to the video, only 51% of adults in America are married (PBS NewsHour, 2011). However, this trend does indicate the declining value of the institution of marriage, but rather people are getting more optional rather than mandatory to start the family through marriage.


The video uses a functionalist perspective to explain the changes in the institution of the family regarding marriage. The theory views the family as an important part of the society. The decline in the number of people getting married has seen changes in the roles as more women become bread winners while others chose to have children without necessarily getting married(PBS NewsHour, 2011). Furthermore, people are choosing to get married later in life to reduce their chances of divorce as indicated by professor Coontz (PBS NewsHour, 2011). According to the functionalistic theory, the purpose of marriage is to increase sexual satisfaction while providing an avenue to socialize young children. Professor Coontz argues that young people are choosing to remain single and seek satisfaction elsewhere and tough financial times have seen many of them not opted to commit to marriages (PSBS, News hour, 2011).

Nine Years After 9/11: Has Religious Tolerance Changed in America?


The video explores the institution of religion in America. America has accommodated people of all faiths for quite some time. However, following the September 11 terror attacks, religious tolerance has declined significantly. Rev. Vincent alleges that the spiritual and emotional wounds of terror attacks are yet to wear off (PBS NewsHour, 2010). Aslan also points out that religious tolerance in America has declined specifically towards Islam (PBS NewsHour, 2010).

The video uses symbolic interactionist theory to address religious tolerance in America. The interaction of individuals has enabled people to define meanings from such interactions. This means that religious beliefs and practices make meanings to people because they subscribe to them. In the video, the majority of Americans are less tolerant to Muslims because they acknowledge that Islam advocates for violence (PBS NewsHour, 2010). Furthermore, many Americans think that Arab countries are less tolerant of Christians and so they in turn shouldn't tolerate Muslims. Moreover, many Americans associate Christianity with freedom, and any religion that uses violence to bring fear and anxiety to others is not tolerated. However, some Americans through their interactions with Muslims are rethinking their phobia of Islam and learning to embrace them (PBS NewsHour, 2010).

The Institution of Education

This video by Koller (2012), addresses the institution of education. The video seeks to address the changes that have plagued education particularly with the advancement of technology and the internet to maximize access to it by the majority of the population. In the video, it is clear that the rich can provide quality education for their children unlike the poor. Koller says, "I played around in my father's university lab, and it was taken for granted that I attended the best universities" (2012). Moreover, the speaker in the video acknowledges that education is not readily available and gives the case of South Africa where the political system was apartheid to favor the white minorities (Koller, 2012). Access to education is hampered by the high costs of tuition, particularly for higher education. Koller reiterates that the only way to provide quality education for a larger number of people is via online platforms.

The film uses the social conflict theory to discuss education. Education has always been used to promote social inequality. For instance, the apartheid government limited access to education by the Africans while granting unlimited access to the white minority to maintain the status quo (Koller, 2012). Furthermore, the high costs of tuition fees mean that only the rich and middle class can send their children to Stanford or Harvard while the poor are unable (Koller, 2012). Through technology in the case of Coursera, students from all over the world can engage with professors, participate in peer to peer discussions and evaluate their assignments free of charge (Koller, 2012).


Social institutions are important to the society. The education institution transmits knowledge through inequality in the access to education is still very high even in developed countries. The family is essential for socialization and creates the sense of identity and belonging. The family institution has made me a better person in the way I interact with other people around me with respect and trust. Religious institutions have made me develop as the spiritual person and instilled the values of kindness, compassion, and honesty. Through education, I have learned to be self-reliant, engage in activities that promote the welfare of the society and problem-solving skills to contribute to the social and economic development.


Koller, D. (2012). What We’re Learning from Online Education. TEDTalks. Retrieved on December 2014 from>.

PBS NewsHour (2011). Why Are Fewer Americans Getting Married? Retrieved from

PBS NewsHour (2010). Nine Years After 9/11: Has Religious Tolerance Changed in America? Retrieved from

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