Exterminate All the Brutes by Raoul Peck

If you've ever wanted to see a movie with a unique perspective, then I recommend 'Exterminate All the Brutes' by Raoul Peck. It is a four-part docuseries narrated by Peck, taking audiences on a journey through some of the darkest moments in modern civilization. Similarly to its predecessor, I Am Not Your Negro, which focused on the works of James Baldwin, this film distills the essence of white supremacy in its guise as a justification for violence.

Raoul Peck's 'Exterminate All the Brutes' is an essay-film

The essay-film format is a form of storytelling that makes its filmmakers feel very personal. Throughout "Exterminate All the Brutes," Peck makes reference to literature, films, and history to explore the consequences of inequality and the spread of imperialism. He begins by discussing the Crusades, when Christian European monarchs took over Muslim-controlled trade routes to the Far East. In the process, the Crusades were launched, and Christianity's settlers set out to exterminate the Muslims and Jews of the Middle East.

It is a docuseries

The four-part hybrid docuseries "Exterminate All the Brutes" by director Raoul Peck takes viewers through the worst moments of civilization. Its themes range from the exploitation of the hordes of slaves in the American South to the genocidal actions of European colonialists. It also explores the ramifications of these atrocities for the present day.

It stars Josh Hartnett

This HBO documentary about white colonialism is wry and often hilarious. During its opening scenes, we see Hartnett as a white colonizer in the Belgian Congo who treats the natives with contempt. At other points, he portrays a 19th-century Army sergeant who makes short work of the Seminole tribe. Both portray a broader theme of white supremacy and the oppression of black people.

It is produced by Velvet Film

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It is directed by Raoul Peck

"Exterminate All the Brutes" is a powerful four-part historical drama that explores the history of racial violence. Unlike most other historical films, this one offers no solutions and no false hope. It instead suggests that whiteness is a demonic whirlwind that needs to be exterminated. A compelling film with strong themes, "Exterminate All the Brutes" deserves to be seen on the big screen.

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