Exercise and Dynamics

The Importance of Exercise

The majority of us would go for physical exercises if we think of exercise. The desire to make the body participate in physical activity is exercise. The body gets better and better, health wise, and the physics appears to be excellent. In a study done in the USA, the CDC (Researchers Centres for Disease Prevention and Control) found that about 80 percent of adults in America do not do the prescribed exercises for weeks. Any of it may be because the potential institution or even their state of health might be possible. The CDC decided to collect a survey data for more than 450,000 adults (18 years and above) so as to find out the truth about physical exercises. Randomly, these people were called for a few questions so as to verify. The survey also covered all children who were found to be in this families. The CDC also went beyond to the chosen groups just to know if children exercised. It was important to them because they believed that if they engage these kids in exercise, then they will grow up being very healthy.

Adults Activities

As the results of the survey of the physical activities of Americans got out, these were the results. In adults, only 5% participated in this exercises on a daily base. One out of three of the selected were lucky enough to achieve their daily activity (Robert Beaver, 2013). About 64-75% of adults who above the ages of 75 years were found to be physically active. For Adults between 65-74 years, about 28-34% percent were found to be inactive. Approximately 80% of adults, as a result, were discovered that they do not exercise. They lack both the muscle-strengthening and aerobic activities because the majority of them were living far from recreation centers.

Children activities

The survey that was previously done concerning children physical activities showed that about 30.2% of youth were physically active. Kids who were between the ages of 6 to 12 were mostly found engaging themselves in organized and sports activities (Scott Chamberlin, 2013). The results also showed that only 1 out of 3 children were engaging in physical activities. The majority of these kids were found indoors spending most of their time watching TV or playing video games.

Arguments that support regular exercises

Exercise is not only good to maintain the health of a person but it also other benefits. Having daily activities tend to boost someone's confidence (Fitnsess Association, 2015). It made someone to feel more confident and accomplished even if the results are not immediately seen. Exercise also relieves someone from stress. For instance, after having a long stressful day, exercise usually combat the havoc in someone's mind thus grooving your self-esteem. Besides the removal of stress, people who exercise regularly are often found to be jubilant. Studies have also proved that exercise improves the moods of that person. Eventually, a continuation of this training makes people have the energy (Sharon Hoeger, 2016). Throughout the day, the results from exercising are seen to give a person a lot of energy. In workplaces, exercise has proved to boost the morale of workers thus engaging more in teamwork. Their places of work are also filled with a lot of togetherness and friendship.


Exercising is a paramount activity in our lives. People may not see its benefit, but from the analysis above, the majority of the points direct us to the importance of exercise. The old people despite the fact that they lack enough energy, they should engage themselves in regular activities so that to prevent the old age diseases from enhancing. Children as well should be trained and taught the importance of exercises because, with the advance technology, they are bound to get sick. They spend more of their growing up being indoors, and this may be hazardous regarding health upon growing. Therefore exercise is meant for everyone because it benefits all.


Association, I. H. (2015). The Guide to Weight Management, 2nd Edition Understanding the Role of Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, and Lifestyle. IDEA Health publishers.
Beaver, R. J. (2013). Introduction to Probability and Statistics. Cengage Learning Publishers.
Chamberlin, S. A. (2013). Statistics for Kids in Activities to Investigate Concepts in Statistics. Prufrock Press.
Fawson, S. A. (2016). Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness. Cengage Learning.

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