Entrepreneurship and innovation

By using continuous innovation, today's entrepreneurs may build radically successful businesses, according to Eric Ries' The Lean Startup.
19 times total, 4 of those mention the book. It includes advice on how startup business owners should allocate their capital rather than merely relying on educated guesses. Entrepreneurs should evaluate critical assumptions, according to Ries, in the early stages of their businesses. Since everyone wants to have a prosperous future, this principle is applicable to people from all walks of life.
The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis, Money Ball
The book is referred to as the top managerial baseball and management book produced by Forbes and is listed 4 out of 19 times. It is favorable to readers from different dimensions; for baseball fans to know how to build a stronger and smarter winning team; for statistic fans – on how to employ numbers to get best performance; and, for lovers of human nature, it sheds lights on how perpetuated mistakes can be eliminated.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The book was first published in 1936 and is listed 4 out of 19 times. It outlines the study of human behavior. The author advices on how to relate with other consumers in order to become a better salesman. The knowledge in the book can be applied by business owners to handle demanding clients and win them over.

Good to Great; Why some Companies Make the Leap and Other don’t by Jim Collins

The book is listed 4 out of 19 times in his five-years study, Collins brings out the reason why some businesses have made it to the transition of good-to-great and others have not .He particularly pinpoints on the myths that businesses rely on to succeed.

Management; The Hard Things about Hard Things. By Ben Horowitz

The book is listed 3 out of 19 times and is an important source for those in business or any other person. The source provides a view on the challenges that may occur while running a business which include employee layoffs, gaining loyalty by employee and customers, and different ways of capturing the investors’ attention. The author explains this using war stories shared to show that the right things are the same as the hard things.

Made to Stick; Why Some Ideas Survive and Other Die by Chip Heath

The book is listed 3out of19 times. It is written by two brothers Chip and Dan Heath and guides the readers on how to successfully communicate with clients. The authors outline certain principles that can make an idea “sticky” through engagement of clients’ emotions, memory, and self-motivation.

Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hanson

The book is listed 3 out of 19 times, and it gives a procedural guide on ways to carry out modern business. The authors are software entrepreneurs who have been in the business for over a decade and have obtained sustainable profits. The book advices the reader on: using prototypes instead of real designs, how flexibility is preferred in forward propulsion of the business, and why getting funds from outside the business can lead to the collapse of the business.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

The book is listed 3 out of 19 times. In his book, Kahneman teaches how human intuition works as a way of having an advantage of persuasion .He says there are two systems that contribute to how we think. System 1 – being fast, automatic, and emotional – drives to having feelings and impressions. System 2 is rational thinking which is slow and systematic and is the reason for logical thinking .He pinpoints when to give into System 1 and when to take advantage of System 2.

Purple Cow; Transform your Business by being Remarkable by Seth Godin

The author, nicknamed as a “marketing guru”. The book is listed 3 out of 19 times and has high-lasting impact globally .The author explains the importance of making something unique and eye-catching to the target market .He gives relevant examples from companies such as Apple and JetBlue. He expalins how the companies have branded their products in a noticeable style and use this as a marketing technique.

The 4-hour Workweek; Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferris

Listed 3 out of 19 times. This book is a guide on how to have a luxurious lifestyle and being a location independent entrepreneur .Ferris gives an enticing story of how easily you can outsource assistants to have unlimited freedom to do whatever you want, how artist can travel the world and still have their jobs intact and how easily you can eliminate 50% of your workload.

The Innovators Dilemma; The Revolution Book That Will change In the Way you Do Business by Clayton M. Christensen.

The book is listed 3 out of 19 times .The author gives the importance of adopting technology and its contribution to the success of a company .He emphasizes that most companies fail because of resistance to embrace change in a very dynamic world .He talks of how sticking to the same right practices can be the cause of failure of a company even though they had previously led to its success due to lack of innovation.

Getting More without Settling For Less by Robort Sutton and Huggy Rao

Listed 2 out of 19 times, the authors attempt to give a guide to management through a series of stories based on their personal experience at Silicon Valley. They reveal that organizations develop good practices but they fail due to challenges arising during their implementation in the organization.

Picturing The Uncertain World; How to Understand, Communicate and Control Uncertainty through Graphical Display by Howard Wainer.

The book is listed 2 out of 19 times .It gives the reader a future view of a business world and its uncertainty. It elaborates a visual highlights on how to measure the future requirements, using illustrations he explains on how to predict a business future and understand its outcomes.

The Flaw of Averages; Why We Underestimate Risk in the face of Uncertainty by Sam Savage

Listed 2 out of 19 times, this book is a guide for entrepreneurs who are risking major finances. The author reveals that most people are insufficiently equipped on how to deal with and risks. The book teaches on how to validate a single number to represent a larger quantity of uncertain future instances.

The Partnership; The making of Goldman Sachs by Charles D .Ellis

The book is listed 2 out of 19 times .It is an enticing story of Goldman’s rise under challenging times of competition ,legal regulations and dynamic changes in the market .It tells a fascinating story of people behind the world’s greatest financial firm out of one that was on the verge of destruction.

The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited; Real-life lessons in Word-of –Mouth Marketing by Emanuel Rosen

Listed 2 out of 19 times .This book is a must-read for every entrepreneur who wishes to have their products in the sport lit .Rosen emphasizes on the importance of word-of-mouth marketing strategy with real examples of most prominent and successful companies in today’s world.

The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki

The book is listed 2 out of 19 times ,the author expounds on the importance of adopting ideas from a larger group ,he suggest that a larger group’s idea is more concrete compared to a small group which he argues better in providing solutions that foster innovation .The author explains how the human psychology , culture ,history ,politics and behavioral economics affect the business world.

Capitalism and freedom by Milton Freidman

Listed 2 out of 19 times. In his book Friedman sheds light on how capitalism can be used as a tool of gaining economic freedom while also benefiting from political freedom. He explains on how we can benefit from the government without our individual freedom being threatened.

Threshold Resistance: The Extraordinary Career of a Luxury Retailing Pioneer by A.Alfred Tubman.

The book is listed 2 out of 19 times. The author narrates a success story of an American who was a brilliant and innovative developer and grew into a billionaire despite very unique challenges. He resisted the barriers and defeated the forces that hindered his success.

Information rules; Rules; A strategic Guide to the Network Economy By Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian

Listed 2 out of 19 times .This book reveals that economic concepts are necessary to succeed in the world of information technology .The authors argue that, for managers to develop and maintain effective strategies of thriving in today’s economy, they must have a comprehensive understanding of the economies of information technology.

Sources Used

The 21 “Best of Lists” used for our research are:

The Personal MBA Recommended Reading List: The 99 Best Business Books

Read Like an MBA: Top 5 Books Ivy Leaguers Read in Business School

Personal Mba Reading List

7 books every MBA should read before they look for a job

12 Books From Which to Build a DIY MBA for the 2020 Leader

14 Great Books Every MBA Aspirant Should Read


Top Books for MBA Students and Professionals

15 Books to Read Before Launching a New Business

A Wharton professor recommends 7 new books to read this fall

Read These Books Instead of Getting an MBA

MIT Sloan reading list: Books by Executive Education faculty

Seven Books Every MBA Student Needs to Read

Popular Wharton Mba Books

The Big 40: Business Books You Really Should Read – Part 1

Recommended Reading List for Wharton MBA Class of 2011

Twelve Business Books to Read in 2017

11 Fascinating Books on Harvard Business School's Required Reading List

19. Amazing Books on Harvard Business School's Required List

Article 2: Marketing Book List

Utility; Why Smart Marketing about Help Not Hype. Jay Baer

The book is listed 5 out of 20 times .It explains how one can get loyalty from customers as a marketer and gives real world illustrations of successful companies that provide real value for products and have gained loyalty from their customers .The book advocates for marketing strategies that the customers expect in order to build long-term kinship and trust.

Everybody writes Your Go-to Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Jay Baer

The book is listed 6 out of 20 times and guides the readers on ways to attract and retain customers .It explains how one can use quick words, popups and link their website to social media pages such as twitter, face book, Instagram and snap chat.

Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy

Listed 5 out of 20 times .The author is nicknamed “the father of marketing ” .The book explains all aspects of advertising, ways to persuade ,influence and create memorable content to consumers .It also helps marketers to learn on research ,productivity and brand positioning of their products.

Content Inc: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses by Joe Pulizzi

The book is listed 6 out of 20 times .It is one of the most popular and educative marketing content worldwide about success in the entrepreneurial world .The author reveals a six-step process to building a successful business.

Made to Stick; why some Ideas Survive and others die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Listed 5 out of 20 times. The author describes the psychological understanding of viral trends and explains that communication is the key to success of every business. He discusses such key principles for business marketing strategies as credibility, simplicity, concreteness, stories and emotions.

Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi

Listed 6 out of 20 times .It is among the best books that provide most helpful content about digital marketing. The author gives insight on how to develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage through having content that customers appreciate and have the best position on social media marketing.

Contagious; Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Listed 9 out of 20 times. In his book, Jonah explains the reasons why some ideas and product are popular than others, how social influence determines the products we purchase, why online products and services get known by a larger audience and why some products such as New York newspaper sell more than others.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

Listed 6 out of 20 times .The book explains how entrepreneurs can manipulate the psychology of people through persuading them to purchase their products. The author teaches on six principles of persuasion and how to apply them in real life situations.

All Marketers Are Liars /Tell Stories by Seth Godin

The book is listed 5 out of 20 times .It explains advertising as a theorem of perception on truth. Marketers influence the buyers by telling them what they want to hear, they do not explain the limitations or the benefit.

Purple cow; Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin

Listed 5 out of 20 times .The author elaborates on the 5 P’s of marketing and talks of being outstanding to the rest of the world just like a purple cow .The book explains how you can create an exemplary product and have remarkable marketing strategies.

Permission marketing; Turning strangers into Friends and Friends Into Customers by Seth Godin

The book is listed 5 out of 20 times .The author gives ideas to marketers on importance of consumers incentives .The book explains how marketers can have a long-term relationship with their customers ,earn trust and create a better brand awareness .

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times, this is the bestselling book worldwide for the subject .It discusses the traditional 4 P’s of marketing, buyers’ behavior, consumer markets, segmentation and ways on gaining a competitive edge.

Pre-suasion; A revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade by Robert Cialdini.

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times .The author explains the importance of persuasion ,gaining attention ,having an identity ,place and a crowd .He emphasizes on understanding of consumers psychology as a way to influence and comprehend their purchase behavior .This helps to identify market gaps and know when consumers require change.

Trust Me I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator by Ryan Holiday

Listed 3 out of 20 times. The book provides an insight on how online media really work. From his experience in various walks of life, the author reveals, from a media and public relation point of view, the dark side of online media, and how manipulative it can be.

Hug your Haters; How to Embrace Complaints and keep your customers by Jay Baer

Listed 3 out 20 times. The book explains the reasons why customers are dissatisfied with products and how to deal with complains. Using case studies, the author reveals that most complaining customers will not speak out their criticisms. The book emphasizes the importance of marketer’s positive attitudes towards complaint for corrective action

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace By Al Ries

Listed 4 out 20 times. The book teaches on how to position your products in an overcrowded market as a way of gaining a competitive advantage and totally occupying the mind of your customers. The author reveals the impact of positioning as an effective communication tool in the marketplace.

Blue Ocean Strategy; How to Create Uncontested Market space and make the Competition Irrelevant by Chan Kim

Listed 4 out of 20 times .The book elaborates the effects of competition to a business. The author explains on different ways to handle competition and create a unique product from the rest just like “blue oceans”. The book provides ways on how to grow and be more innovative.

Ask Gary Vee by Gary Vaynerchuk

Listed 3 out of 20 times, the author explains how to effectively use social media, create a brand and hire the right workforce. He illustrates on how to have fun and at the same time get things done.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times. It explains ways of earning popularity through modern marketing techniques .The author explains the role of social media in marketing using different case studies, and elaborates on its effectiveness in marketing compared to its old traditional methods.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eval

Listed 4 out of 20 times .The book reveals why some products get the spotlight while others don’t, how people grow fond of certain products and how technology contributes to certain consumer behaviors.

Sources Used

The 20 “Best of Lists” used for our research are:

Best Marketing Books 2017: Six Titles Every Marketer Should Read

Inspiration Meets Strategy: The Top 10 Must-Read Books for Marketers

Top Marketers Recommend Favorite Marketing Books

Holiday reading guide: 29 essential books for marketers as recommended by top CMOs

9 Marketing Books to Read Before Q1 Ends

10 marketing books to read in 2017

Best Sellers in Marketing

20 Books Every Marketer Should Read in 2017

51 Must-Read Marketing Books

Popular Marketing Books

Best marketing books according to Seth Godin

The Best Marketing Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read [Updated 2017!]

The Top 52 Essential Books for Marketers

Best Marketing Books

The 10 Best Marketing Book Summaries of 2016

The 50 Best Marketing Books Of All Time

12 Best Marketing Books To Grow Your Personal Brand

20 Essential Books Every Marketer Should Read

23 Amazing Books Every Marketer Should Read!

Marketing 101: A curated list of the best marketing books

Article 3: Small business Book List

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

The book is listed 11 out of 21 times .It brings out the difference between working “ON ‘and “IN” in a business. The author reveals the myths associated with success of a business and expalins the entrepreneurship cycle and how to maneuver through each stage to succeed.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Listed 6 out of 20 times .This is a fascinating book to anyone who wishes to have a personal change in order to perform better both personally and professionally.

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Listed 6 out of 20 times. This is motivational book for all areas of a person’s life to help build and develop a plan to achieving a successful future.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Listed 7 out of 20 times .The book is for people wishing to startup technology-based and software company .The author emphasizes on the importance of validating an idea before risking major finances in it and uses case studies to explain how.

How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Listed 7 out of 20 times. This book teaches on ways to develop effective relationships and become a great leader and manager .The author reveals how to win friends and retain them and convince people to do what you want through giving them what they expect.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

The book is listed 6 out of 20 times .The author explains on how to deal with unpredictable economy .He reveals ways to earn a 5 figure income in four hours in a week and spending the rest of the time as leisure.

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times .The author elaborates that the ability to focus  on tasks without distraction has become rare .The author encourages multitasking as a skill to improve productivity which he says should be supported by training and use of deep work ethic.

Will It Fly? By Thomas K. McKnight

Listed 3 out of 20 times. This book answers the questions whether the business can penetrate into a market that it is made for, or whether an idea is valid for a certain business .It contains case studies and action-based exercises to test an idea before the decision to invest all your money and time in it.

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap, & Others Don't By Jim Collins

The book is listed 4 out of 20 times .Collins give an illustration to answer questions on whether good companies can transit to greatness. He explains to the reader why some companies make good returns while others don’t.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times .It reveals the importance of maintaining perspective on a business and why having a clear and relaxed mind when making major business decisions is crucial to its success. The author explains the importance of organization for both the owner and the business.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

Listed 5 out of 20 times. The book expounds on why some people are more innovative and influential than others .The author conducts research on successful leaders such as Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and many others and comes to conclusion that all had the similar characteristics .They acted, communicated and thought in a similar way which is in contrast with how other people function.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

The book is listed 4 out 20 times .The author explains that no school, no matter how prestigious, can train on how to deal with the toughest challenges in business .He analyses these problems and gives insight of how to solve them through separating perceptions and facts .

Built to Last by Jim Collins & Jerry Porras

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times .It’s among one of the best books in business drawn from a research project .The book comprehensively compares different companies from their start to their present and depicts the exceptionality each company has .

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

Listed 5 out of 20 times .The author narrates a story of fifty successful businesses that were started with an initial capital of a hundred dollars and grew to fifty thousand dollars, driven by the passion of the business owners.

The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki

Listed 3 out of 20 times .The author is an entrepreneur with knowledge on running different businesses from start up to maturity .He worked as an ambassador for the Apple Company and shares his experience on management of business at all stages.

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

The book is listed 5 out of 20 times .It advices entrepreneurs who seek to grow their business ideas to actual businesses .Thiel emphasizes that innovation and progress does not depend on technology alone but other business ideas can be adopted and creatively innovated .

Rework - Jason Fried and David Hansson

Listed 4 out of 20 times .The book is a collection of business essays which discuss the steps of starting up a business .The author defines starting a business as “a walk on a straight path towards achieving ones goal”. The book advices small businesses owners on how to increase their productivity.

The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker

Listed 3 out of 20 times .The book pinpoints out that the real measure of an executive as “getting things done” .The author teaches five best practices that should be adopted by executives to enhance business effectiveness.

The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

Listed 3 out of 20 times .This book explains the reason for failure of business even those with great customer service and technology .The author reveals that traditional practices can contribute to failure and managers need to know when and how to abandon them .

Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell

The book is listed 3 out of 20 and rated among the best books in entrepreneurship. The author advices entrepreneurs who are starting up on making better decisions which later determine their success .It explains the reason why some people are able to make better decisions than others.

Sources Used:

10 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read

The Best Books of 2016 for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

10 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read

20 Books to Read Before You Start Your Own Business

Best Sellers in Small Business & Entrepreneurship

76 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Professionals to Read in 2017

25 books that every entrepreneur should read

The 100+ Best Books for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Best Small Business Books – 25 Recommendations From The Pros

Best business books: what to read for small business success

15 Inspiring Books Every Freelancer and Small Business Owner Should Read

The 25 Best Books for Entrepreneurs

Top Business Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read

2017’s Best Business Books for Personal Growth, Leadership and Motivation

15 Books Entrepreneurs Must Read to Start 2017

10 Best Books for Small Business Owners

The Master List: The 73 Best Business Books Entrepreneurs Should Read in 2016

The 9 Best Books Every Startup Founder Should Read

21 Best Business Books That Will Make You More Successful

9 Powerful Books About Small Business Growth

Article 4: Law Books List

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Listed 8 out of 20 times .This novel was published in 1960 and in 1961 it won the Pulitzer Prize. Atticus, in his determination to eradicate racism of the system, defends a black man accused of rape to prove that racial equality is a possibility.

A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr

The book is listed 8 out of 20 times .It focuses on jurist, prosecutor, defense and the judge .Different case studies are analyzed for a law student to understand how judgments for different cases are made.

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote

Listed 2 out of 20 times. This book narrates a story of a murder case and its investigation that led to the arrest and execution of the murderers. The study gives an interesting insight on American violence, their criminal justice system and punishment system.

Law fare: The War Against Free Speech - Brooke Goldstein and Aaron Eitan Meyer

The book is listed 2 out of 20 times .The authors explains the use of litigation weapon to challenge and castigate opponents by the law .They also give a phenomena guidance on surpassing new paths on national security.

24 Hours with 24 Lawyers: Profiles of Traditional and Non-Traditional Careers, by Jasper Kim

Listed 2 out of 20 times .This book is about the profile of 24 lawyers from different careers, of how they spend their daily lives .The book gives an account of actual 24 hour day of the lawyers from all perspectives.

Succeeding in Law School by Herbert Ramy

The book is listed 2 out of 20 times .It introduces law to beginners in the school of law .The author is the director in the Suffolk University law school .He expalins how to succeed in the school of law

1000 Days to the Bar - But the Practice of the Law Begins Now - Dennis Tonsing

Listed 2 out of 20 times .This a powerful guide to a law student on professional practice away from the learning environment. It provides an insight of comprehensive understanding of legal studies and great practice on study efforts.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr

The book is listed 3 out of 20 times and focuses on punctuation, writing principles, spelling of law terms and grammatical errors. The book is not specifically for law students but for all learners using English

Billy Budd, Sailor - Herman Melville

Listed 2 out of 20 times .This is a short novel on the role of a judge and an elaboration of legal interpretation. In his book, Herman reveals how intelligence and reason cannot enforce innocence where guilt actually exists.

Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Listed 2 out of 20 times .The author narrates of how he commits murder. He discusses redemption as a theme through his suffering using his own experience in prison. He confesses how he struggled to overcome evil.

Law School without Fear: Strategies for Success - Helene Shapo and Marshall Shapo

Listed 3 out of 20 times .This is comprehensive guide to beginners at law school on how to study law and an elaboration of the legal system.

One L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Law Professor’s Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School by Andrew J. Mc Clurg

Listed 3 out of 20 times .The author is an award winning professor of law .He guides on how to succeed in law school through academic and emotional support .The book covers topics such as study techniques ,legal research ,class participation and stress management .

The Federalist Papers - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay

The book is listed 2 out of 20 times .These are essays on the Constitution of USA that describes the intentions of their founding fathers. The purpose was to guide future generations on interpretation of the Constitution since they have been frequent references for judges and other lawmakers.

The Bramble Bush: On Our Law and Its Study by Karl N. Llewellyn

Listed 4 out of 20 times .The book helps on what to expect while undertaking the course .Before starting the course students are recommended to read the book in order to know how to tackle examination questions and gain legal reasoning.

Law 101: Everything You Need to Know About The American Legal System

Listed 2 out of 20 times .This book is a helpful and exceptional introduction to law with discussion of basic subjects for first year law students .Readers are taken through the legal system from constitution law through contract law to criminal law.

Plain English for Lawyers by Richard Wydick

Listed 3 out of 20 times .It guides law students on legal writing using its own rules and exercises for evaluating students understanding .The book is written specifically for lawyers and has been in use for over 25years .

Is Eating People Wrong? Great Legal Cases and How They Shaped the World - Allan Hutchinson

Listed 2 out 20 times .This book discuses 8 unique cases with each being traced to its historical and jurisprudential correspondence .In each case the nature of common law is discussed and lessons leant outlined.

On Being a Happy, Healthy, and Ethical Member of an Unhappy, Unhealthy, and Unethical Profession - Patrick J. Schiltz

Listed 3 out of 20 times. The book guides first year students on how to handle cases, exam outline and what they need to know in order to pass the first year in a school of law and encourages all the student to practice ethnical regulations.

Law School Confidential: A Complete Guide to The Law School Experience - Robert H. Miller

Listed 3 out of 20 times. The author uses realistic instances of law school as a guide to first year students on what to expect and what they need to successfully pursue their careers.

Bridging the Gap between College and Law School: Strategies for Success - Ruta K. Stropus, Charlotte D. Taylor

Listed 2 out of 20 times .This book provide students with context and advice on how to handle law problems and helps in bridging the gap for first years and startups.

Sources Used

How Soon Can I Start? Reading Suggestions for Incoming First-Years

Law reading list

Recommended Reading

Entering law school? Here’s what to read this summer.

Best Books for Pre-law Students – Summer Reading Before You Start Law School

Reading List

A real law school reading list

Suggested Summer Reading List


MSL Summer Reading List 2016

A Reading List For 0Ls To Ruin Your Summer Vacation


Suggested Reading List

Stanford Law School Faculty Summer 2015 Reading List

Summer Recommended Reading List 2016

Suggested Reading & Movie List

Suggested Reading


What to Read Before Starting Law School

5 fascinating books for lawyers and law students

Article 5 : Freelancing Books List

The 4-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss

Listed 10 out of 17 books .The book illustrates the benefits of working online and advantages of outsourcing tasks at a little cost. The author explains how one can create a 4hour work week to generate a five figure earnings through online jobs.

Rework: Change the Way You Work Forever - David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

Listed 7 out of 17 times. This is one of the best and most helpful books to anyone seeking success in the freelance business .It emphasizes that freelancers should focus on income earning tasks and getting exposure to new and inspiring ideas.

What to Do When It’s Your Turn (And It’s Always Your Turn) - Seth Godin

Listed 3 out of 17 times .The book contains inspirational narrations, quotes and pho...

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