Dunkin' Donuts to Dunkin': Evolution of an American Icon

Make and serve the freshest, most delicious coffee and donuts quickly and courteously in modern, well-merchandized stores


Always be the desired place for great coffee beverages and delicious complementary donuts and bakery products to enjoy with family and friends

About Dunkin Donuts

American quick service multinational restaurant

Headquarters based in Canton, Massachusetts, United States

Founded by William Rosenberg

Has more than 12,000 outlets worldwide with 9,200 of them being in the United States

Started in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1948 with an outlet called “Open Kettle.”

Originally served premium cups of coffee and donuts for 10 and five cents respectively

Revolutionized the Industry

The idea to franchise was originally illegal in some states before Dunkin Donuts introduced the idea

Rosenberg used the idea to convince the authorities that the idea give Americans an opportunity to own their businesses

Coffee Revitalized the Company

CEO Jon Luther’s idea to shift focus onto coffee revitalized Dunkin Donuts

Sales increased by about 66 percent and new stores doubled in seven years

Coffee sales estimated at 30 cups every second across the globe

It is also important to note that even though the truncated term “donut” came years before Dunkin, the company made it globally acceptable

New Developments

First gluten-free product

Dunkin Fries

Dunkin' running shoes

New Dunkin' cups

Dunkin' concept store

Dunkin' Dark Roast Beer

Dunkin' Donuts Oreos

Dunkin' Donuts sports

Hold the Donuts, Says Newly Named Dunkin’

According to the New York Times article that bears the subtitle “Time to take out the donuts,”

the company announced a name change in the coming year, January 2019. With the transformation from Dunkin Donuts to Dunkin’, the company seeks to cater for its beverage sales that account for about 60 percent of its worldwide sales as well as remain consistent with the slogan “America Runs on Dunkin.”

While mentioning other brands such as Weight Watchers, Tribune Publishing, and IHOP as among some of the companies that have changed their names in the past, the author of the article quotes Nik Contis, a senior partner at PS212, who indicates that at times, companies change their names when they consider it to limit it in the line of business (Maheshwari, 2018). Nevertheless, this might come with some challenges to the company that tmust be addressed before launching. Trying out the new name in a few stores would give the company a sneak preview into the implementation of the new idea.

According to the new introductions including the coffee and running shoes among others, maintaining the name as Dunkin Donuts would limit the company’s operations as the name predisposes the idea of selling doughnuts only to the company instead of a broader perspective of the brand. Therefore, according to Maheshwari, it is important to make the business name as inclusive as possible. The company slogan would be in line with the new name, therefore, the company will not be faced with challenges such as losing familiarity and emotional connection with consumers. According to Tony Weisman, chief marketing officer of Dunkin’ Donuts, the company already tried the new name in one of the stores in the United States and the reception was already overwhelming (Maheshwari, 2018). The company expects a replication in the coming year when it renames all its stores.

Works Cited

Maheshwari, Sapna. "Hold the Donuts, Says Newly Named Dunkin’." The New York Times 25 September 2018. Online.

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