communication types and styles

Types of Communication

In certain cases, effective communication aids in dispute solving and the development of stable relationships.

Aggressive Communication

Aggressive people believe they are more fortunate than some and that their efforts should be valued more highly (Hanke, 2009). Similarly, offensive speech is the violent and forceful presentation of thoughts and emotions, identifying others and accusing them of being false. Aggressive communicators usually show hostile facial gestures and tonal voices (Hanke, 2009). People who communicate aggressively do not care about the needs of the people they are addressing since their goal is always to win.

Passive Communication

Passive communication is the expression of thoughts in a polite manner. This type of communication involves giving one's needs the last priority (Hanke, 2009). The fact that passive communicators do not assert their needs makes it appear that people are walking over them. In most instances, people who adopt this style of communication may feel resentful since they cannot stand up for what they want (Hanke, 2009).

Assertive Communication

Assertive communication is the honest expression of thoughts. It shows one's feelings and desires without demanding things to work their way (Hanke, 2009). In this style of communication, the interests of both parties matter. It is an open way of communication where people share thoughts to arrive at a common goal (Hanke, 2009). Assertive communication does not only give people opportunities to get what they want but helps avoid conflicts.

Verbal Communication

In verbal communication, the information is passed verbally either through writing or speaking (Rantala, Raisamo, Lylykangas, Raisamo, Salminen et al., 2011). People presume others understand what they say because they know what they are saying. However, different audiences bring their diverse attitudes, emotions, and thoughts regarding the subject of discussion creating a barrier in passing the right information (Rantala et al., 2011).

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication refers to the passing of wordless information. In other words, it is the exchange of information without writing or oral aid (Rantala et al., 2011). The means of nonverbal communication include facial expression, a tone of voice, posture, body language or gestures (Rantala et al., 2011). This type of information sharing revolves around the body language of the speaker. Often, the nonverbal signs interpret the situation more accurately as compared to the messages passed verbally.

Formal Communication

Formal communication refers to sharing of information through specific conventions, rules, and principles from the sender to the receiver through an authority line. Usually, this type of communication is used in corporate meetings, professional settings, and conferences (Rantala et al., 2011). It requires correct pronunciation of words and discourages the use of foul language.

Informal Communication

Informal communication is a casual talk employed in face-to-face discussions to pass information. Usually, it happens among family and friends. Unlike in formal communication where the use of foul language or slang words is restricted, informal communication has no similar restrictions (Rantala et al., 2011). Informal type of communication employs both oral language and gestures.

Importance of Communication within an Organization

Communication plays a vital role in every institution. Therefore, it is important for the employees to have adequate communication skills. In other words, the development within an organization is contingent on the effectiveness of communication within its management (Femi, 2014). Besides, proper communication assists in organizing, planning, controlling and motivating people (Femi, 2014). Thus, effective communication is the foundation of a successful organization.

In addition, effective communication enables an organization to achieve its goals efficiently. Through communication, the top management within an institution can coordinate and organize the activities of an organization hence ensuring smooth operations within the workplace (Femi, 2014). Moreover, effective communication enhances cooperation between workers through sharing their feelings and thoughts with others. Open communication does not only promote cohesiveness within an institution but also encourage teamwork (Femi, 2014). Series of research has also revealed that good communication tends to boost the morale of the employees within their working stations (Femi, 2014). Hence, leading to improved productivity at work. Finally, yet importantly, when the employees believe that they are well informed about the vision and direction of the company, they feel more secure in what they do.


Femi, A. F. (2014). The Impact of Communication on Workers’ Performance in Selected Organisations in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19(8), 75–82. Hanke, S. (2009). Communication styles: What is your impact on others? Professional Safety, 2, 22–26. Rantala, J., Raisamo, R., Lylykangas, J., Raisamo, J., Salminen, K., Surakka, V., … & Mäkelä, K. (2011). The Role of Gesture Types and Spatial Feedback in Haptic Communication. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 4(4), 295–306.

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