The research will primarily evaluate the pseudoscience phenomenon on body memory by analyzing the argument, scrutinizing the facts, considering alternative hypotheses, and rating according to the pre-requisites or substantiation criteria provided.

Theory underlying body memory research and discipline

The theory underlying body memory research and discipline is that prerogative memories can be retained in the hippocampus and the body itself. Remembrances may be preserved not just as unequivocal recollections but also as learned skills and habits. Embedded memory is based on the belief that a living body's traditional structure associates itself with the universe, according to (Summa 24). Bod memories can be demarcated or exemplified as being chemical, kinesthetic or emotional information which is stored at cellular levels and can be evoked by some sort of affiliation with the situation, circumstance or settings where the memory was primarily and originally kept. The phenomenon presents an elucidation and an account as the presence of memory is assimilated at the moment the brain was unable of storing memories in the events of traumatic occurrences or early childhood.

Brief History

Rene Descartes was among the first philanthropists who endorsed the body memory ideology as she claims "A pragmatic and heuristic approach body memory is epitomized by artists who play lute as their memories exists on their fingers and hands since the capacity and ability to bend and move fingers in a particular way which has be attained through conventional routine that has been contrived to a skill and this helps them to recall". Ever since, the ideology has been evaluated and body memories postulates to be an explanation for our adaptability and malleability to numerous circumstances and the surroundings (Lynn 544). It is perceived that various forms of body memories are attributed by the five senses depending on their varying degrees of the different situations.

Evaluation of the evidence

Many justifications, explanations and rationalizations that are grounded on the ideology of body memory are usually subjective observation. (Summa23) segments the body into six various forms of intercorporeal, situational, procedural, incorporative, traumatic and pain memory from a partition of three prior forms. Their substantiation is presented with two examples one of a doctor and one of a sailor. They state with the experience a sailor has acquired over the years sailing in the seas and oceans, when a slight change takes place in winds and waters it will enlighten the sailor of an impending or coming storm with a 100% chance of taking place. Similarly, a doctor who has treated a certain ailment many times will ultimately be able to acknowledge a patient with that ailment immediately without the patient giving out details.

Alternative Hypothesis

There are many aficionados and enthusiast who strongly perceive and support this phenomenon and many philosophical authors in educational institutions across the globe that continue to endorse its legitimacy and rationality. However, it is very incongruous and contradicting with the principle of neuroscience which has more heuristic and reputable substantiation unlike the notion delineated in the body memory. Susan E. Smith was the most protuberant psychologist who made the most rancorous spasm on philosophers who placed emphasis on the body memory phenomenon as in one of her articles she states the body memory impeccably satisfies the criteria of pseudoscience and their enthusiasts atrocious since it does not meet the scientific stature with lack of precarious cognitive ability and rational skills in both the general society and mental health segment (Colombetti 398). The doctrines, canons and dogma perceived by the body memory practitioners do not examine or the phenomenon, they only invoke and impose it, but do not consider the notion of neuroscience which opposes the contingency of memory being stored anywhere else apart from the brain.

Evaluation of the experiment

Granting this philosophical perception can prevalent and pervasive in the society, it is unreliable source of cognition. From the approach presented by those that advocate philosophy lack any recorded quantitative or measurable substantiation or its tangibility and regard to the scientific methodology (Lynn 544). As for the scenario in the doctor's case, many ailments have analogous signs and symptoms and can contrast being contingent. Level or stage of the ailment and so by simply concluding that a particular ailment is predictable is a farfetched claim. For the sailor example, meteorology does not postulate to be as precise as the sailor and it utilizes many instruments and conducts itself via probabilities. However, it's still inconclusive as the public discover many errors, mistakes and miscalculations with the presented predictions by meteorologists. The methodology used in science in the contemporary existence seek for reproduces of every treatment evaluated and with an objective statistical analysis and more essential is the propensity to duplicate outcomes or results from the repeating experiments to draw credible conclusions. The body memory theoretical framework and much that has been accomplished under this discipline is collaborated by only one individual while the other individual may have been an associate or reasoned in a mythical sagacity. A theory should yield analogous results across many fields whether it is attuned or be substituted or replaced when it comes to the discipline of science which body memory falls short of this criteria and pre-requisites. In conclusion, body memory is the concept that posits the aside from the brain, the body also has the capacity and aptitude to store memories in itself. The elucidation of this singularity is that an individual can avail memories deposited by cells of the body at a particular moment when brain was incapacitated to store the memories (Colombetti 398).There are a number of body memory forms which are fundamentally constituted of various amalgamations of the common five senses owned by an individual. The phenomenon behind the body memory is used to explicate and illuminate particular corporeal manifestations as an outcome of long bottled-up emotional trauma or ordeal by the body whereby it is endeavoring to produce those recalled memories (Lynn 542) Nevertheless, this phenomenon does not attempt to unify with the concept of neuroscience which epitomizes a stronger and conclusive substantiation. It lacks any strong and concrete substantiation and any smidgeon of scientific methodology cannot be acknowledged to it. Additionally, it falls short of the pre-requisite presented by renowned ideologists and philosophers under the discipline of science and it fits in with the principle of pseudoscience immaculately since it does not demarcate the authenticity science. Fundamentally, the phenomenon of body memory may resemble with the notion of science with the probable perception of it sounding appealing, its enthusiast and aficionados validate its position to no culmination and consequently falls short of the principle of science and hence impeccably qualifies to be a pseudoscience.

Work Cited

Colombetti, Giovanna, Dylan Trigg, and Susanne Ravn. “Book review: Body memory, metaphor and movement.” (2014): 393-400.

Lynn, Steven Jay, et al. ” What do people believe about memory? Implications for the science and pseudoscience of clinical practice.” The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 60.12 (2015): 541-547.

Summa, Michela, et al. “Body memory: An integration. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (2012): 23-41.

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