Black Panther Party Program

The Black Panther Party was one of the first political organizations formed by the black community. Its requests were focused on class inequality and white supremacy. It was grouped into units used for self-defense. Its mission was to create true social, political, and economic equality for all people, regardless of race or gender.
Carmichael previously served as the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee. He was recruited into the Black Panther Party, where he was vehemently opposed to bringing whites to join the cause, believing that they were attempting to infiltrate the group in the interest of reform, but all they desired was power. He insisted that blacks could only gain power through unity.
The party’s specific demands included;
Job opportunities to the blacks for better living standards.
Compensation in form of money to be given to the victims who had lost property.
The black men to be freed from serving the military where they killed, to stand for a government that favored color.
An instant stop of police cruelty.
Liberation of black prisoners as they were not being treated equally in jails.
Verdicts in courts to be rendered by black judges or judges of their age.
Provision of food, shelter, education, fairness, land and tranquility.
In regard to the nonviolent requirement, the black party wanted a stop of savagery to see a new yesterday. They wanted an end to murder, end of fighting and freedom to dominate. The role of the police was to maintain law and order and protect the whites.
Kerner Commission
It was established to investigate the origins of racial disorders that used to take place in Detroit and Newark. The commission was also to provide recommendations of what was to be done in future to avoid a repeat of the issue.
Causes of violence included;
White racism- the blacks did not like the habit of the whites to create, perpetrate and sustain violence.
In regard to critiquing the economic and social conditions, many people in Detroit got jobs that were not available to people of color in other parts of the country. The African-Americans in Detroit were often given the hardest and dirtiest tasks and made little money at the end of the day. The state of houses and levels of unemployment were devastating. People had strenuous relationships with the police. Moreover, the black people’s complaints of the black people were ignored by the state and federal government. The media only reported thoughts of the whites.
Proposed remedies included;
Creating opportunities for those restricted by racial discrimination and removing all hindrances to employment, education and good shelter.
Uprooting the powerlessness amongst the disadvantaged by allowing them deal with their problems and increase the capacity of our public and private institutions to tackle these issues.
Heighten communication amongst races to end mistrust and hostile attitude while welcoming people with common grounds to work towards common goals of public order and social justice.
Booker T and Web Dubois
Booker T’s philosophy argued that if the black community accepted discrimination and get busy with developing themselves by working hard and prosper materially, they would acquire and win respect from the whites. He believed in skills related to farming, industry and craft. He preached the importance of helping others, racial solidarity and accommodation.
Web Dubois argued that Booker T’s philosophy would ignite oppression from the whites. He pushed for political action and civil rights agenda. He believed that forming small groups to fight for the rights of blacks would facilitate the realization of social change.
Birmingham manifesto was a statement drafted on behalf of the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. It explains how the efforts of the movement on progress of the blacks were rejected and outlines the justification of the movements for civil disobedience and direct action as the last option for acquiring justice. The demands were dismissal of charges against nonviolent protestors, re-opening of closed recreational centers, fair employments criteria, and fair hiring practices in Birmingham businesses.
The southern manifesto was a resolution that revoked the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. According to Martin Luther king, one could resort to nonviolence without violence, the evil itself should be rejected, and not the people committing evil, the non violent resister must have deep faith in the future believing that the world is on the side of justice, the nonviolent resister avoids external physical violence. Those committed to non violence should be willing to suffer without retaliating. Martin Luther’s dream talked about his wish that in the future the black community would be liberated from racial discrimination. The letter from the jail addressed the clergy men, telling them that Martin was upset by their criticisms and that he wished to address the concerns. He told them he was not an outsider, but rather compelled to work for justice. He explained the reasons for organizing the nonviolent processes. He also addressed civil disobedience, the fact that the white moderated value more than justice. He also apologized for his lengthy letter and possible overstatement.
Springer on Black Feminism
A discussion about women in Black Power stated that the black women underwent oppression that was based along racial lines, gender, and societal class. They also had a restrained access to economic resources. The needs of a black woman were not the same as those of a white as theirs came last in priority. The black women were required to fight for their freedom and sexism at the same time. Women in the movement dedicated their lives to ensure liberation from the whites.
Various challenges and dilemmas for women were evident. For instance, the issue of class where the white females did not appreciate working with blacks as they considered them people of the lower class. The habit dominated in almost all discussions, giving them a limited time to spread feminism. The rise of homosexuality was another dilemma as they were homophobic. They had a hard time dealing with this issue. More often, their motives and dedication to the movement were questioned. They also had a limited organizational contact.
Fabio, Sarah Webster. Black Panther Party platform and program. New York: Black Classic Press, 1966.
Harlan, Louis R. "Atlanta Exposition Address." The Booker T Washington papers, 1974: 1889-1895.
Kerner, Otto. The Kerner report: the 1968 report of the national advisory commision on civil disorders. New York: Pantheon books, 1988.
Springer, Kimberly. Black Feminists reposnd to black power masculinism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1968.

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