Birth Order and Personality

Birth order is a term used to describe the order in which children are born. The oldest child is called a first-born, the youngest is a middle child and the baby or last-born child is an only child.

You have probably heard the stereotypes about birth order – the firstborns are spoiled, the middle kids get ignored and the youngest kids act out because they crave attention. And it's not just a cliche or fodder for jokes, a lot of research supports the notion that birth order is a real thing that influences our personality and even affects our health.

Some of the characteristics associated with birth order include leadership, persistence and emotional stability. It's also thought that a first-born is more likely to be responsible and take a leadership role in the family.

Personality is a complex combination of genes and environment that shapes a person's traits. Birth order isn't the only factor that can influence personality — factors such as age spacing, gender, and being a twin can also affect how people interpret their birth order and behavior.

Adlerian Theory
The Adlerian theory of birth order was developed by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychologist in the 19th century. Adler believed that siblings are different based on their birth order and that birth order is related to personality traits.

According to the Adlerian birth order theory, firstborns receive extra attention and are expected to set a good example for their younger siblings. This can lead to firstborns feeling that they're in a leadership role and that they need to be "perfect" at all times.

In turn, this could make them feel insecure and that they're not as lovable as their older siblings. This can lead to a lot of anxiety and other psychological problems later in life.

Birth Order And Personality
A recent study found that the firstborn child is more likely to be a leader and have better social skills than their older siblings. In addition, firstborns are more intelligent than their second- and third-born counterparts.

Birth Order And Career Interests
Another study found that firstborns are more likely to have higher educational aspirations than their younger siblings. They are also more likely to aspire to work in a leadership position or become a doctor or lawyer.

Birth Order And Health
A study in the United Kingdom found that if you're the oldest, you're more likely to have a lower birth weight than your younger siblings. This is due to the fact that a larger number of calories are needed for an older child to develop properly, compared to a smaller amount required for a younger one.

Similarly, first-born children are more likely to have poor health than their second- and third-born siblings. This is because they are often born to parents who are more stressed about having a baby and are more likely to be overweight.

A 2015 study in the U.S. found no statistically significant link between birth order and intelligence or personality traits, although previous research has linked them. However, more research is needed to truly determine the extent to which birth order has an impact on your personality and your health.

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