Best student speech

The holiday on December 1 was approaching. My classmate called me and told me that I needed to give a speech to the students about how to raise their grade. I was regarded as the student in our class who had improved the most. I was a little taken aback by my teacher's statement because I had never spoken in front of so many people at once, which made me question my courage.
In order to become acquainted to the details, I started my speech preparation early. I had Thursday off from school, giving me one day to do my paper. After making the speech, I started practicing on how I would address the student with a target of making them understand. The closing day reached, and our principal called me to address the student. As I stood in front of the gathering, I was so afraid due to the attention they gave me. I did not realize I had that courage until I finished my speech successful. It is considered as the day I showed the strength of courage due to how I made my presentation to the student.

Our captain bullied one of my friends in school making her do a series of hard things creating a particular level of emotional pain. I wanted to approach her and ask her why she was not treating my friend, legitimately, but I realized that I did not have enough courage to approach her. I felt so sorry for her because I had no enough courage to approach this individual and make an inquiry on why they like executing these acts to their colleagues. I felt terrible and guilty inside. I did not use my strength to defend my friend.

Activity 2

My grandmother who is one of my role model has used her strength of courage to do so many things for the family. She defended others from those people who often treated others unfairly. She is always persistence about things happening around. She also portrays the strength of humanity which makes her kind and loving to other people. It’s a character also possessed by my aunts and uncles, with the community appreciating how our family executes the acts of courage. They also have the strength of wisdom and knowledge; they are always curious to learn and understand different kind of things and how they are happening. One of the strengths we share with them is the strength of courage.

Activity 3

I possess the strength of knowledge and wisdom. It has further helped me in the practices of gathering enough experience to know different kinds of things and also discover other strength that people have. On the other hand, I would turn down the strength of resources as I need not much of these items in my way of life.

Strength 1 Integrity

At the university, I invited one of my friends who is also my classmate to my birthday party, and she did not turn down the invitation. Unfortunately, she did not turn up as she had gone to someone else birthday and no updates were given with regards to these plans. I felt awful that she had lied to me and never meant what she said. I was an act that made me lose trust in her for what she did to me. An individual is left with the mandate of fulfilling their promises also try and execute certain activities as earlier stated. It is a concept that will help in the context of earning trust from the public and reliability to certain activities.

Activity 1: Shamsa

The consequences of Shamsa are she might get penalties if she is discovered. The reason the can lead to lack of remembrance is relying on someone’s work without consent. An instance of a high similarity index with another person’s paper can affect school progression. An individual may witness his work get canceled and also asked to defer the semester as a disciplinary measure.

On the other hand, the consequence of her friend is likely to get is cancelation of the paper and can also lead to an expulsion. When the lecture discovered that there is some practice of plagiarism in some papers, she will be punished for showing out her responses and can lead to the cancellation of the examination and very harsh penalties.

When other people get to know what Shamsa did, they will lose trust and self-respect in her. At the university, another student will start cheating in the examination without caring about the consequences thus initiating acts of education immorality. Cheating lowers an individual’s self-interest and as well as their confidence in completing a given task. In most cases, when one is employed, they will lack self-drive and will not have the ability to do a simple task due to lack of enough knowledge. Therefore, the activities that are often done at an early stage in life have a direct impact in the future.

Activity 2: Integrity


I do it all the time

I do it sometimes

I’ve done it once or twice

Never and won’t.

I say yes to make people feel happy when I have no intention of following through.

I am regularly late for class. After all, it’s class, not a real job!

I often say yes to make people like me or think I am a nice person.

I mislead people into thinking I can do something in less time than I can when I already know I can’t.

I stay home from class and say I’m sick when I’m not.

I ask for extra time on assignments when I know others work hard to get their work in on time.

I copy things from the Internet and insist it is my work.

I don’t always stick up for people when I should.

To protect others, I am not always honest.

I do things a bit dishonestly at times to keep my reputation positive.

After being there for others, protect others, and attending all my classes as scheduled has had an impact with regards to recognition in society. The special treatment that is received from the public has a major role in elaborating my importance to their lives and way of executing various activities. With being noticed, it positively ignites me at my workplace. From the aspect of retaining a high reputation in society, there is a need for an individual do to the right thing at the right time.


My next week plans are as follows;

Monday-I have a group discussion with Linda and Mike at four o’clock in the evening.

Tuesday-I have practiced for chemistry with Mike and Joan at two o’clock.

Wednesday-Cindy asked me to accompany her to the gym at four o’clock in the evening.

Thursday-In school, I have a revision with Alex at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Friday-Volleyball practice with my team group.

Saturday-Mike invited me to his birthday party at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Sunday-After church Wendy invited me to go shopping with her. This is my plan for the coming work of which I have to meet my targets of the day.

Question 3

When someone I know does not defend what’s right, it creates a different perception on what they deem as a priority. I consider them as people that lack integrity in protecting what is right. I always feel awful when that situation happens due to lack of confidence and self-belief about the issue. My advice is that they need to have the self-confidence to defend what’s right and help people attain their goals.

Strength 2: Forgiveness

The aspect of forgiveness can only be witnessed when one deliberately fails to seek revenge for an act that had caused pain. The affected person is seen to be comfortable with the situation and wishes not to make any confrontation based on what has been executed. Nevertheless, such parties only have the interest of making peace with an individual that may have infringed in his life.

Activity 1: Self –assessment

When I attained a feeling I am becoming unfair to someone, it’s the time I made a biased decision against my brother’s friend. My small brother was playing with his peers, and in the process, he hit the other child. The child came to me showing the wounds caused by my brother and after listening to their story I made a conclusion defending my brother. The blame was put to the other child. I defended him because he was my brother and I wanted to show much love to him, but in an actual perspective my reaction against him was unfair as I had to punish my brother which was not the case at that point. My brother went on to make an apology, which later made me guilty. Alternatively, the time that I acted reasonably was distributing a cake among my three siblings. I divided the cake into equal shares amongst them, which later made me feel a responsible person.

Activity 2

In my own opinion, it is unfair to hire people because of friendship or any other bond other than consideration of their experience. Those who have enough knowledge and they are not employed feel discouraged and will have low self-esteem and confidence. I would also feel the same way them if such practice were executed for a job that I can also do.


Q2-According to what we are witnessing, kids understand the concept of fairness. Parents should treat their children fairly as they grow up. As I grew up, my parents relatively treated us equally which has had a positive effect on our lives.

Q4-In most instances, I witnessed unfair treatment in our school. However, the lack of self-confidence could hardly have an impact in stopping the unfair acts from being executed. When an incident of a similar kind happens, I will act differently and speak out my opinion on what they are doing as an unjust activity.

Strength 3: Humility

A good leader needs to have Courage, decisiveness, audacity, clarity, passion, and humility to enforce the execution of various activities in the area. Nevertheless, I have what it takes to be a good leader due to the feelings and instincts that I possess with regards to leadership.

Activities 1

Yes, I have realized what it entails to be a good leader. My thought about the ability to become a leader entails a fact that one needs to make a traditional sacrifice to achieve something. I am still interested in making these types of sacrifices to become a good leader.

Activity 2

I was a class representative in school. I took charge in ensuring our class was organized, and every activity took place such as class discussions. To aspect of leading them used strength like Integrity, courage, humility, passions, and utilized skills of responsibility, creativity, and motivation from other leaders.

During the practices of leading a class group in chemistry, I should have conducted it with more passion and give everyone a chance to express their views. However, in the next discussion I will give other people an opportunity to present their opinion. If today we could have a class discussion, I would give every student a chance to answer a question and in case we are given a wrong answer, they stand be corrected which will portray fairness.

Activity 3

My leadership task next week will be leading in a biology test discussion. Although I feel uncomfortable about it, I need to put more effort into being patient and more courageous to conduct the discussion.


Q1-According to my daily activities, in most cases, I lead the discussion of selected subjects in class, but most students like it when I lead in almost all class discussions.

Q2-Good leaders implement skills like good communication, they motivate, delegating, creativity, trustworthiness, responsible and positive thinker.

Strength 4: Humility and Modesty

Our school captain is a person I know with self-focus. She always appreciates another student when they do a good job which later motivates me to have such qualities. Being her friend and doing many activities with her it’s what I would like to regularly do.

One of my classmates has a character of being humble. Even when he's wrong, he is always humble, and people treat him with so much respect. Due to the respect that he earns from us, it also motivates me also to be a humble person.

Activity 1

In such cases, humility can lead to acts of showing weakness. In Martha’s story, she had to lie because she feared the consequences. In our daily activities, it is helpful to us, but most people see it as a waste of time.

Activity 2

In this situation, I was not supposed to be boastful about myself and making reference to certain things that I do not have. Acting this way I was defensive, which shows that I did not have humility.

Activity 3

In most instances, they are not humble, but I always admire them and want to be like them when they present on the television.

When I post something like the photo, I expect to get more likes on it. When there is no any like I feel terrible thus wanting to change my look or use a different photo. However, I will not do the challenge because I discovered that I should learn to appreciate myself the way I look, and I should not change anything about myself.


Q 3-In order to become a better student, I should try and learn from another student what I thought I knew and be ready to be taught and listen.

Q4-I admire our school captain because she portrays the strengths like confidence, humility, integrity, fairness and has qualities of being a good leader.

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