Baruch College Financial Statements vs Stony Brook Financial Statements

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University began as a college for high school science and mathematics teachers before becoming a public university. According to the Annual Financial Report 2015-2016, the FAR BEYOND brand, which was launched in 2015 via a public launch drive, is the university's primary fundraising vehicle. Stony Brook University's economic vitality and creative energy have been shown to offer cumulative gains of more than $4.7 billion and have an excellent record of fruitful cooperation with private industry. The university has also promoted a launch of forty companies plus with the help of high-technology incubators.

Baruch College

In comparison, according to the latest funding report (2015-16), Baruch College's is funded by tuition fee which accounts for 56% of the total funding received in the year 2016-15. This is the largest source of funds for the university compared to other sources which imply that most of the funds used to run the University come from its core business. 28.4% of the funding is received from State appropriation and this accounts for is the second largest sources of the Universities funding. Ancillary activities contribute up to 7%, this includes activities like annual fundraiser dinners and fundraisings.

Comprehensive Fee at Stony Brook University

The Annual Financial report for the year 2015 and 2016, a comprehensive fee is compulsory for every student except those who meet the waiver requirements at Stony Brook University. This fee comprises of such fee components: transportation, academic excellence, health services, college, and technology fee. This comprehensive fee has attributed the growth in revenues of the university. Stony Brook also gives on-campus housing for non-commuter students in residence halls and apartment rentals, both containing a variety of fee structures and living options. Revenues associated with these facilities are used to maintain Dormitory Operating Fund that is reported within the minor enterprises in the university statement of changes in net position, revenue, and expenses.

Grants and Scholarly Research at Baruch College

In Baruch, Grants directed to Scholarly research accounts for 2.3%. The year's Annual Funding report highlights in order to disentangle issues faced by the 21st-century population some support had been directed to funding Doctorial level studies of the University of Business programs. Business Program fellowship is one of such initiative which helps to uplift Business related researches to the level of Science and other fields.

Associated Organizations

Construction Fund of the State University is a public gain corporation which designs constructs and rehabilitates university facilities to a standard master plan. There is also another legally separate and nonprofit corporation known as Faculty Student Association which operates and promotes educationally associated services to benefit the campus community. Stony Brook Foundation (the Foundation) is another legally separate and nonprofit organization which receives and holds the economic resources significant to the entire university. Operations of certain associated and independent organizations like the clinical practice management policies, student associations, and alumni associations, have not been included in accompanying financial statements since the above-mentioned organizations never get the definition for including them.

Philanthropy at Baruch College

In Baruch, 6.3% of the University funding comes from Philanthropy which includes individual contributions from alumni, recent graduates, foundations and other partners. As it has been highlighted in the Baruch College Fund annual report for 2015-16, The Monteforte Foundation gave $3 million which would assist in the preliminary investments of the college's vision of Global Leaders Ship program.


From the above analysis, it is clear that at some point all the two universities are mainly funded through tuition fees although the FAR BEYOND campaign in Stony Brook has boosted a lot. While alumni associations have contributed much to Baruch, in Stony Brook there is still a gap. Above all, in both universities, the foundations and other partners as discussed have contributed much revenue to the institutions.

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