Answer to Dieynaba on Conflict Mangement

Hello Dieynaba,
Congrats on your exhaustive investigation on the conflict management and their effects
I agree with your explanation that "disregarding conflicts is an awful strategy", particularly in a business setting. Research has shown that the major causes of poor connections and performance in a business organization is unresolved conflicts in the work environment (Sonnentag, Unger, and Nägel, 2013). Therefore, I accept that conflict resolution apparatuses ought to be utilized in any association to help in managing issues when they emerge. Albeit a portion of these conflicts can help establish a better work environment, some could be unfavorable to the people (Sonnentag, Unger, and Nägel, 2013).
As you have expressed, at a personal level, the conflicts may lead to stress causing individuals to quit their jobs. Employee retention is a crucial aspect of a business and can be largely affected by unresolved conflicts. Although you have provided important points on how the individual is affected, I believe you should have supported this with research to make the points credible.
It is true that teams get affected when the members do not read on the same page. It can be difficult to coordinate or delegate tasks in such a situation. As such, research has shown that before teams can be put together, it is imperative to carry out conflict resolution training.
Sonnentag, S., Unger, D., & Nägel, I. J. (2013). Workplace conflict and employee well-being: The moderating role of detachment from work during off-job time. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24(2), 166-183.
Ahmed Al-Thani
212 words
Reply to Yasmin
Hi Yasmin,
First, let me congratulate you on the great points you have made in this post.
I agree with your thought that conflict is not always negative as perceived as most individuals. It is correct that an effective manager can be able to differentiate the positive and negative forms of conflict in an organization. Indeed, the conflict between employees has been shown to promote hard work as the workers try to reach a common goal. The model you have provided for conflict resolution is thoughtful as it promotes arrival at a solution that is acceptable to both parties. Through my research, I also noted that the mode chosen for conflict resolution should be fair and effective providing participant satisfaction on both ends. Jameson (1999) encourages a three approach method to this. First, fairness should be used to guide the code of future behavior for the participants. This is similar to what you have noted regarding identifying a problem with clarity and respect. Second, he emphasizes on finding an accepted solution that can be used for creating participant satisfaction. I can compare this with the step in the proposed modular that talks of finding an acceptable solution to the conflict. Lastly, Jameson (1999) proposed the need to improve the relationship between the two conflicting parties.
Jameson, J.K. (1999). Toward a comprehensive model for the assessment and management of intra-organizational conflict: Developing the framework. International Journal of Conflict Management; Bowling Green; Jul 1999;
Ahmed Al-Thani
Reply to Chloe
I like the approach you have adopted with your initial post. It is rather personal and interactive to read it.
As you have stated, identifying conflicts at an early stage in an organization is the best way of resolving it. I have noted though that you have chosen to view all the conflicts as having negative implications. Please note that not all conflicts can be classified as negative as some allow the employees to be more motivated to achieve set goals (Shapiro, 2014).
It is true that conflicts in the workplace lead to poor teamwork which affects how the employees behave towards each other. Also, the level of productivity reduces as the employees cannot work to their full potential. However, research has shown that conflicts could also be healthy for the business especially in promoting positive competition (Shapiro, 2014). As a result, the employees work hard to ensure that they meet their targets. Additionally, it allows the management to train individuals on how to deal with conflicts when they arise.
Managers have a task in ensuring that the conflicts among employees do not manifest to customers (Shapiro, 2014). The instance you experienced in the store shows that the management has not put measures in place to resolve conflicts creating tension.
Shapiro, G. J. (2014). Identifying the Factors That Influence Conflict Management Behavior of
Human Resource Professionals in the Workplace: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Personality and Conflict Management Behavior.
Ahmed Al-Thani
Reply to Abdulaziz
First, congratulations on the thorough analysis of the discussion question.
I like your point that not all conflicts have negative implications. Indeed, conflicts make the employees more creative which leads to great innovations in an organization. As the workers resolve their conflicts, they share ideas that show the capabilities of each of them. The management should ensure that the committee entrusted with conflict resolution understands that the end goal is improving employee relationships.
In the advantages of conflict resolution mechanisms, you have noted that respect is maintained among the employees. I agree that the goals of conflict resolution are to enhance employee relationships. Jameson (1999) stated that in resolving conflicts, the employees should become better partners as they understand the points of view of each other. Consequently, the profitability of the firm is increased as people can work as a team once again. As Shachar (2012) explains, it is crucial to ensure that in resolving the conflicts, the main aim should be a reduction in their magnitude as well as the eventual elimination of the same.
Jameson, J.K. (1999). Toward a comprehensive model for the assessment and management of intra-organizational conflict: Developing the framework. International Journal of Conflict Management; Bowling Green; Jul 1999;
Shachar, M. (2012). Conflict Resolution Management (CRM). Textbook Chapter 1 and 2.
Ahmed Al-Thani
Reply to Maher
This is a very interesting post. You have taken a different perspective which is unique.
I agree with Nola in his reply that introduction of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is a great idea. This model gives an outline on how different conflict-handling styles can affect group dynamics. It relies on two major dimensions including cooperativeness and assertiveness in dealing with conflicts. In my research, I obtained the diagram below that shows the entire process of conflict-handling styles as you have outlined in this post.
Figure 1: TKI model (
I would, however, like to correct you that these five are conflict-handling styles in conflict resolution and not types of conflict. These are methods that are common as people try to resolve conflicts. The TKI allows managers to choose the best form to address conflicts when they arise. Also, it allows professionals to have open and productive discussions even in conflicts.
As an assessment tool, I concur with you that TKI can help in managing conflicts although more discussion as pointed out by Nola is required.
Weber, A. J., Johnson, C. A., & Thompson, R. C. Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.
Ahmed Al-Thani
Summary Post
Re: Final Summary on Conflict Management and Resolution
The discussion on conflict management and resolution has allowed us to learn the need for cohesion in a business environment to avoid both business costs and personal implications. In the course of the forum, various ideas have been brought up ranging from sources of conflict to eventual resolution models for the same. This has enlightened us on the different ways that conflict can be handled in an organization to benefit individuals and the business at large.Most of the participants have addressed the CUSDA model for managing conflict which has been shown to be effective in many instances. Maher, in his posting, also introduced the TKI model that contains the different styles for addressing conflicts in different perspectives. Although more exploration is needed in this area to understand when to choose a certain style in handling conflicts, touching on the model was insightful. Indeed, the diverse Goleman framework has also been discussed as a way of dealing with individual conflicts and improving our emotional intelligence.It was rather enlightening to realize that conflict does not always have negative implications. Learning from the conflicts by formulating ways that the employees can discuss their fears and strengths can allow more productivity in business. Conflict is most always unavoidable due to the diversity of ideas, opinions, beliefs and behavior of individuals. The bottom line is how these conflicts are addressed to ensure individuals can co-exist without tension and still meet objectives set.
Ahmed Al-Thani

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