Analysis of The citizen and the terrorist

The citizen and the terrorist

The citizen and the terrorist is a compelling article that dives into racial profiling and other forms of discrimination in society. Leti Volpp investigates the circumstances following the 9/11 attacks, in which Asians and Muslims are portrayed as terrorists. This shows that many other communities have been stereotyped as terrorists. This article's main premise is on racial discrimination and profiling.

Racial profiling and discrimination after 9/11

Several legislators protested to racial profiling, but in the aftermath of terrorist attacks, it was assumed to be a necessary evil. The majority of those racially profiled are from the Middle East, Asia, or Islamic countries. In spite of them not engaging or having engaged in any criminal activity, they seemed to fit this presumption that people from those regions are terrorists. Volpp asserts that this racial profiling is only meant to harass non-citizens and often the law enforcement and department of justice employ unenforced bylaws or apply the legal laws inappropriately. Most of the targeted noncitizens are detained and never told the reason for detention. This discrimination is so widespread that there are people kicked off planes or are not allowed access to services because they look 'Middle Eastern, Asian or Muslim.' This takes place in spite of legislation guaranteeing safety and justice for all people in the US soil.

Racial profiling by citizens

It is not just the law enforcers and department of justice that engage in profiling; even the citizens do so in the day to day activities. After the 9/11 attacks, a lot of resentment ensued against these targeted groups. To them, the middle easterners, Arabs, and Muslims are all terrorists, and they can never be citizens. Even though this is wrong and president bush, the then president spoke against this, and often had discussions with the Muslims leaders, the sentiments of the citizens are drawn from the facts that 9/11 attacks which shook the nations were carried out by people from these groups. Therefore they are all summed to be terrorists whether innocent or not. The country has often, for instance, embraced all religions however Christianity seems to be privileged or held in high esteem. Therefore this still adds to racial profiling facets since most Arabs, Muslims or those from the Middle East are of Islam religion.

Racial profiling and guilt by association

Racial profiling has led to believe that one wrong done by the profiled groups, i.e., middle easterner or Muslims represent the whole group or nation while with the whites, one’s bad acts only represents that one individual and not the whole white community. In the wake of this issue, the people of color who had been previously discriminated against were now considered citizens. This issue of identity is misconstrued as even the whites can be recruited into the terrorist groups and can carry out their atrocious acts without the authorities’ knowledge because of biased perspective only Muslims or Arabs are terrorists. One such example is Timothy McVeigh, US citizens who carried out Oklahoma bombings. Racial profiling was present even I n the world war when Japanese were targeted, and the Chinese had placards reading ‘I am Chinese not Japanese’ to save themselves from being killed since they bear some resemblances in physical attributes. Also Osama bin Laden being an enemy of the US led to all wearing turban like him to be profiled.

Challenging the effectiveness of racial profiling

Professor Volpp is this essay, and her other writings explore the facts that racial profiling as a way of tackling terror threats is not logical. Even though according to her other communities have benefited like the African Americans and the eastern Asians, this attitude, she believes ought to be changed. This aspect profiling is not effective as the prime suspects walk away free while wrong people are charged due to misconstrued stereotypes. Racial profiling leads to an upsurge of local terrorists and also other terror groups like Al Qaeda might seek to recruit and use ‘Citizens, ’ i.e., the whites, to avoid suspicion from Authorities. Therefore, care needs to be taken.

Works Cited

Volpp, Leti. "The citizen and the terrorist." (2012).

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