about telecommuting

According to Gausepohl, the majority of people are gradually turning their homes into workplaces. According to a WorldatWork survey, 80 percent of companies have included versatility in their employee work arrangements, meaning that working from home is a choice. Employers must ensure that the plan is fruitful and that workers are happy with their employers. When it comes to working from home, personality is important (Gausepohl, 2016). When opposed to a corporate setting, certain workers perform badly at home, and vice versa. Remote staff members in the telecommunication sector have to consult their bosses before they can start working at home.

Jacobs, B. (2017). The challenges of telecommuting. Benefitspro.com. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from http://www.benefitspro.com/2014/11/25/the-challenges-of-telecommuting

Bruce Jacobs, in his article, provides an in-depth assessment of some of the challenges that come along with telecommuting. In the past decade, the number of people that prefer working at home has increased tremendously. The move is, however, risky due to the various limitations such as lack of career advancement, poor relationships, loss of culture and difficulties in communication (Jacobs, 2017). An employee that decides to telecommute may find it hard to have access to exposure in various fields. Additionally, his or her social interactions may be impaired. Most of the telecommuters are faced with the challenges of building relevant relationships which is a minus in their lives. The disadvantages of telecommunication as portrayed in the article will be of the great essence in my research paper.

Mariani, M. (2000). Telecommuters, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2000/Fall/art02.pdf

The article “Telecommuters” by Mariani highlights on the growing significance of telecommuting around the globe. Most of the telecommunication companies let the telecommuters transform almost any available space into their workplaces. It helps in the reduction of commuting time and this, in return, contributes to an increase in the productivity of individual staff member. It should be noted that self-employees are hardly counted as telecommuters despite working in similar conditions (Mariani, 2000). They have a clear comprehension that not all aspects found at an organizational set up will be found at home. Their attention is usually directed towards meeting set goals and objectives. The significance of the article comes from its ability in addressing various areas of concern in the field of telecommunication.

Wynn, E. (2017). 2016 Telecommunications Trends: Pay Attention and Profit. HuffPost. Retrieved 2 December 2017, from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ed-wynn/2016-telecommunications-t_b_9078948.html

In his article, Wynn focuses on the telecommunication trends. With the ever-changing technology, businesses have to ensure that they monitor the latest trends in the telecommunication development. In so doing, they sharpen their competitiveness and enjoy sustainability in the market (Wynn, 2017). Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) are some of the main beneficiaries of rapid innovations around the globe.

The author further argues that in the quest for the SMBS to gain competitive advantage in the market, they have to focus on various industries that drive the changes. Some of these sectors include IT and Telecommunications Convergence, the ever strengthening App economy, the essence of cyber security and the fact that most of the large telecommunication companies are shifting their focus away from the SMBs (Wynn, 2017). The article will be essential in the research because of the relevant knowledge and information.

Shandrow, K. (2017). 10 Questions to Ask Before Allowing Employees to Telecommute. Entrepreneur. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231999

Shandrow, in her article “10 Questions to Ask Before Allowing Employees to Telecommute. Entrepreneur” focuses on some of the questions that companies need to ask before they can allow the workers to telecommute. Accord to the Stanford University research working remotely has the ability to make employees up to 13% productive in the various tasks that they handle as a result of the job satisfaction that they enjoy (Shandrow, 2017). Some of the areas that need a lot of attention when hiring telecommuters include qualification levels, the person to provide work equipment, solutions to technical difficulties and communication techniques among others. The article is of a lot of significance because it provides detailed information on telecommuting that is relevant to any research work.


Gausepohl, S. (2016). Ready to Work from Home? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions. Business News Daily. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5211-working-from-home-questions-to-ask.html

Jacobs, B. (2017). The challenges of telecommuting. Benefitspro.com. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from http://www.benefitspro.com/2014/11/25/the-challenges-of-telecommuting

Mariani, M. (2000). Telecommuters, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2000/Fall/art02.pdf

Shandrow, K. (2017). 10 Questions to Ask Before Allowing Employees to Telecommute. Entrepreneur. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231999

Wynn, E. (2017). 2016 Telecommunications Trends: Pay Attention and Profit. HuffPost. Retrieved 2 December 2017, from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ed-wynn/2016-telecommunications-t_b_9078948.html

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