Abolitionists focus on social interactions, precise settings, and extraneous professionals, as opposed to the perfect justice that is commonly associated with neoliberalism. The approach is specific to a political tradition, and Amartya Sen suggests that there are two fundamental approaches to justice: the contractarian and the comparative. The former seek to establish general universal principles of justice, while the latter considers the differences among human societies.abolitionists
Abolitionists were individuals who opposed slavery during the nineteenth century. Many were former slaves themselves, but they did not all come from African descent. They opposed slavery in every way possible. Despite this, many of them were devoutly religious white men. Abolitionists often sought political office, circulating anti-slavery literature throughout the South. Today, abolitionists are revered as heroes of history.abolitionist philosophy
The abolitionist philosophy is based on the notion that the abolition of human slavery would prevent further suffering. The Abolitionist Society is dedicated to bringing this theory to fruition. They believe that a posthuman would never experience involuntary suffering. David Pearce, a prominent proponent of this philosophy, has written a manifesto entitled 'The Hedonistic Imperative' that serves as an inspiration for group theories.abolitionist social movements
The abolitionist approach to justice is rooted in the philosophy of enlightened socialism, in which we strive to bring about a more just society through the struggle of the people. Recent surges in support for Black Lives Matter and de-funding police forces have brought the violence perpetrated by capitalist control into the public eye. Social movements that recognize and support the invisible forms of work, such as collective labor, are flourishing.abolitionists' methods
Abolitionists argued that slavery violated the U.S. Constitution and were therefore illegal, a claim that was later rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court. Some Southern states also banned abolitionist publications, and President Andrew Jackson made the U.S. Postal Service stop delivering abolitionist literature. In Nashville, Tennessee, abolitionist Amos Dresser was publicly whipped and later killed by pro-slavery mobs. In the southern town of Alton, Illinois, a free-soil party group attacked and killed the newspaper editor Elijah Lovejoy, a key member of the Free Soil Party.abolitionists' conflict theory
Abolitionists' conflict theory focuses on reconciliation, the process by which people recover from acts of repression and crime. In contrast to present systems, which focus on punishing the perpetrator and compensating the victims, the abolitionist response seeks to restore the victim and criminal to full humanity. They advocate the use of the least amount of coercion and the maximum amount of care. This view also has implications for the role of abolitionists in social justice.
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