A Companion To Crime Fiction

Cobb, Shelley. Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

Part II: Summary of source #1

In the article, “Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015,” the author Cobb Shelley sought to explore how women are endangered in the in various works. The article use various journals and other sources that address male chauvinism. The weight of Water by Anita Shreve is among them having evaluated variety of themes centered on women’s role in different societies. Cobb Shelley’s presentation is welcomed by readers and other critics who approve this theme among other relevant themes presented in the article. The conclusion from the article shows that indeed, women are vulnerable in different societies.

Part III: assessment of source #1

1. Unlike the article, “The Doctor in Literature: Satisfaction or Resentment?” by the authors Posen, Solomon, and Edward J. Huth which analyzes how various articles explored their thematic concerns, whether they did it satisfactorily or not, this article concentrates on the major themes that are analyzed by various works. The former article ascertain that the novel Weight of Water by Anita Shreve satisfied its aim of exploration that women are mostly pushed to the edge in different issues of life.

2. Regarding reliability, the article, “A Companion to Crime Fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010” authored by Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley evaluates various literature work in relation to crime fiction unlike this article which deals with the satisfaction in thematic presentation. Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley noted that the novel Weight of Water by Anita Shreve is fiction and deals with real issues of life in a manner that does not victimize the audience. Being a fiction, the thematic concerns are presented using virtual characters though their actions are directly related to actual people in the society. Therefore, this source is reliable.

3. The audiences differ with these sources. “The Weight of Water” by Anita Shreve Book Review is a reviewed evaluation of the article by Anita Shreve directed to different audiences in the contemporary society. The journal seeks to review the content by weighing its content against the societal actions and norms. Unlike Posen, Solomon, and Edward J. Huth’s article which explores different literature works, this article focus entirely on the article, Weight of Water by Anita Shreve. Hence, the audiences in these two sources differ.

Part I: citation for source #2

Posen, Solomon, and Edward J. Huth. The Doctor in Literature: Satisfaction or Resentment?Radcliffe Pub, 2005.

Part II: Summary of source #2

The article, “The Doctor in Literature: Satisfaction or Resentment?” by Posen, Solomon, and Edward J. Huth seek to evaluate how different literature work satisfactorily presented their themes, and styles.  Anita Shreve’s article the weight of water is one of the literature works based on fiction whose presentation is ascertained to be among those which satisfactorily meet the literature standards.

Part III: assessment of source #2

1. Like the article, “Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015,” authored by Cobb Shelley, this article evaluates different works and compare and contrast their credibility. However, these articles differ in the context of their evaluation since while the former article explores theme of male chauvinism, this article is exploring the level of satisfaction in various literature works.

2. The article, “A Companion to Crime Fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010” authored by Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley evaluates different literature works based on fiction, Weight of Water included. Like Cobb Shelley’s article, this article differ with, “The Doctor in Literature: Satisfaction or Resentment?” in context of presentation since the former evaluates fictin work in literature while the later evaluates the level of satisfaction in literature works.

3. On the other hand, the journal, “The Weight of Water by Anita Shreve Book Review” specifically evaluate Anita Shreve’s work, how it presents its themes and other literature items. It differs with this in that it evaluates various literature works and that it is only concerned with satisfaction and resentment as portrayed by various works.  

Part I: citation for source #3

Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley. A Companion to Crime Fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

Part II: Summary of source #3

The article by Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley differs greatly with the other sources in time, manner in which its content is presented and credibility. In fact, I regard this article to be among the significant ones of its time since it captures contemporary issues in literature work and extensively to the society. It has also evaluated different works in essence with the current issues affecting the society.

Part III: assessment of source #3

1. In the article, “A Companion to Crime Fiction” by Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley, the authors sought to evaluate various works that are based on fiction. The weight of water by Anita Shreve is among them, particularly in its endeavor to express the difficulties that women pass through without necessarily victimizing particular women or the oppressors. Rzepka, Charles J, and Lee Horsley concluded that Anita Shreve succeeded in its aim considering the data employed and the target audience.

2. The article, “A Companion to Crime Fiction” is reliable since it is current, thus, reflecting the current issues in literature based on the fact that literature is dynamic. Its reliability is also noted from the data that this article employed in its research since all literature works explored are up to date.

3. Regarding the target audience, this source seems to target the contemporary society in general. The issue about gender bias in the society is diminishing yet without further ado to it, the likelihood of it re-growing is high. Thus, using fiction to express its dangers in the society as done by the article Weight of water is an effective way to deal with it.

Part I: citation for source #4

"The Weight of Water by Anita Shreve Book Review." Blogs.Seacoastonline.com | Blogs.Seacoastonline.com is Brought to You by Seacoast Media Group, Serving the Southern New Hampshire Region, 1 Dec. 2012, blogs.seacoastonline.com/seacoast-nh-books/2012/12/01/the-weight-of-water-by-anita-shreve/.

Part II: Summary of source #4

“The Weight of Water by Anita Shreve Book Review” is a reviewed evaluation of the article by Anita Shreve. The journal seeks to review the content by weighing its content against the societal actions and norms. As a book review, all of its content is based on the article the weight of water, its thematic analysis, and the characters and their roles.

Part III: assessment of source #4

1. There is much difference between this source and the rest of the sources employed in this study. The main one is that unlike other sources that explore different literature work, this evaluate specifically the weight of water by Anita Shreve. It explores the credibility of the content in consideration of the contemporary society. According to this source, this author’s work is justifiably reliable and worth the message that it seek to deliver.

2. The reliability of this source is questionable since there is no much research conducted to justify the authority of the source and the data employed are not credible. In addition, the content of this source is based on generality rather than exploring one given theme like the sources above. Despite of its unreliability, this source has much information that can feed the audience with enough information regarding various thematic expressions in the novel, “The Weight of Water” by Shreve.

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